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The Effect of Lighting Color Temperature and Illuminance on the Motivation of Touch


本研究目的為探討光源色溫與照度組合對觸摸動機、喜好度與視覺意象之影響。本實驗招募了57位受試者參與,實驗獨立變項有光源色溫(3000K鹵素燈、2700K LED燈、6000K LED燈)及照度等級(500lx、750lx、1000lx、1250lx與1500lx),量測項目包含觸摸動機、喜好度及十題視覺意象問卷。實驗結果發現,在相似色溫條件下,若用鹵素燈做為展示光源,偏低的照度(500lx)可引發較高的觸摸動機與喜好度,若用LED為光源,要用較高照度(1500lx)才會有較強的觸摸動機與喜好度。若同樣使用LED為光源,照度介於500lx~1250lx之間的情況下,色溫6000K LED引發的觸摸動機與喜好度高於2700K LED,但照度一但超過1250lx,則以2700K LED的觸摸動機與喜好度較高。多元迴歸分析結果顯示,隨著對樣品喜好度增加,或者照明組合能夠讓樣品表面看起來有好的觸感,或者引起想要去感受觸摸的感覺,受試者的觸摸動機也會越強。本研究成果除了有助於觸摸動機模型的建構外,可供企業進行產品展示照明之參考,以提升消費者的觸摸動機與喜好度,對產品銷售提供有用的建議。


觸摸動機 色溫 照度 視覺意象 木製文具


This study was aimed to investigate the effect of lighting condition on consumer's motivation of touch, preferences and visual imagery. A total of 57students were recruited to participate. The independent variables included color temperature (3000KHalogen, 2700K LED, 6000K LED) and illuminance (500lx、750lx、1000lx、1250lx and 1500lx). Three different kind dependent variables were measured in the study. They were willingness of touch, preference and10 sets of sensory descriptions, each ranked on a scale of five grades. The study results showed that under a similar color temperature condition, a halogen lamp was used as a lighting source, a low illumination (500lx) can cause higher touch motivation and preference. When LED was used as the lighting source, the higher illumination (1500lx) resulted in higher touch motivation and preference. Moreover, LED was used and the illuminance between 500lx and 1250lx, the 6000K LED resulted in higher touch motivation and preference than 2700K LED. But while the illuminance exceeds 1250lx, 2700K LED resulted in higher touch motivation and preferences. This study obtains two regression models using a forward stepwise searching procedure. Results show that the willingness of touch increased was followed the rating of subjective preference, the senses of "Its tactile seems comfortable" and the senses of "I want to feel tactile impression". The findings of this study can give an insight into the motivation of touch, and further provide some guidelines and recommendations about the product lighting method to increase the competitive advantage of product.
