  • 期刊


Good Enough: The Recreation Industry with a Friendly Atmosphere




Located in eastern Taiwan, Hualien County is less convenient in terms of transportation compared to the western regions; it is therefore less industrially and commercially developed. As a result, however, it has kept the traditional agricultural landscapes and become an important tourism city thanks to its natural resources and multiculturalism. In recent years, many people are migrating to Hualien, including city-dwellers who are highly educated and skilled and youngsters who give up their urban jobs and life-style and returned to the hometown of Hualien to start their own business. The younger individuals who chose to stay in Hualien at the first place are also creating a recreational industry and way of life that is rich in the local agricultural atmosphere and culture. Utilizing the method of in-depth interview, three cases of the recreational industry were discussed in this present study, including the aboriginal ”Dark Tribe” that produces day-lilies; the members of this tribe, Malapaliw, gather their financial resources in their productions and maintain their tradition of collective agricultural operations. In the second case, we interviewed with certain individuals who chose to leave the city for the village and share their land with the community elementary school so the students may achieve their dream of ”farming, reading, and dreaming.”In the third case, we interviewed with the young members of the Amis tribe who pass on Amis music and culture while being trained in the tradition of hunting. The individuals who participate in the recreation industry do not pursue business opportunities and maximum profit; instead, they respect the natural order and cherish what they are blessed with. Because of the attitude of ”good enough,” the process and results of their hard-work are friendly to others and the environment as well, and they are more satisfied with their lives because life has become simpler. Their stories are especially inspiring in today's highly-capitalized world where people are not happier despite being wealthier.


1111 人力銀行,〈上班打卡制下班責任制〉,,2011.09.23 檢索。
行政院勞工委員會,〈2011 年國際勞動統計〉,,2011.09.23 檢索。
全國法規資料庫,〈原住民族基本法〉,,2011.09.15 檢索。
花蓮縣政府,《花蓮縣人口統計月報》, ,2011.09.06 檢索。
