  • 學位論文


Environmental knowledge, environmental attitude, environmental behavior as willingness to pay predictors-A Case Study of Neidong National Forest Recreation Area

指導教授 : 余家斌


由於內洞森林遊樂區受到2015年蘇迪勒颱風的破壞,導致目前處於休園的狀態。本研究以問卷方式調查,於2016年3月至4月進行發放,有效問卷為381份。受訪人為內洞森林遊樂區的遊客,透過相關分析探討環境知識、環境態度、環境行為、個人社經背景對於願付價格之影響。願付價格計算方面,使用環境知識、環境態度、環境行為、個人社經背景,建立Tobit 實證模型進行生態保育費用願付價格之分析。根據相關分析的結果顯示環境知識、環境態度以及遊客的教育程度對於願付價格具有顯著影響,而環境行為與其他的社經背景項目皆無顯著影響願付價格。Tobit 實證模型分析結果顯示生態保育願付價格平均值為121.62元。本研究結果可提供相關管理單位與後續研究之參考。


Since the Neidong National Forest Recreation Area was damaged by Soudelor typhoon in 2015, led to the current state is Closed. The method of this article is questionnaire survey; a total of 381 effective on-site questionnaires were collected in the year 2016 during March and April. The respondents are visitors of Neidong National Forest Recreation Area. Explore the environmental knowledge, environmental attitude, environmental behavior as well as demographics for willingness to pay through the correlation analysis of the impact. In willing to pay calculation, through the environmental knowledge, environmental attitude, environmental behavior and demographics, empirical model (Tobit) of WTP of Neidong National Forest Recreation Area was built. Correlation analysis reveals environmental knowledge, environmental attitude and education are significant effect willing to pay. Environmental behavior and other demographics items are not significant effect willing to pay. Tobit statistical reveals for ecological conservation willing to pay average is NTD121.62. The results of this study cancontribute to relevant management and to future studies.


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