  • 學位論文


Proper Voice or Political Voice : A Case study of Ge Tan Chun Qiu and Wo Wei Ni Ge Chang from Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation.

指導教授 : 沈冬


1960年代臺灣廣播事業蓬勃發展且都朝向企業化經營,節目內容及數量包羅萬象,尤其以歌唱節目最受聽眾喜愛,以往的研究鮮少探討歌唱節目在國語流行歌曲中的意義。本研究選擇正聲廣播公司的1960年代歌唱節目作為研究對象,以正聲創辦人夏曉華主政時期作為研究範疇,透過爬梳《正廣月刊》一手史料、蒐集相關資料,從中析論歌唱節目與國語流行歌曲之間關係,其延伸對臺灣國語流行歌壇造成的影響。 夏曉華時期的正聲廣播公司,開創了《歌壇春秋》、《我為你歌唱》歌唱節目,《歌壇春秋》1958年4月開播,節目宗旨為播放上海老歌,並講述流行歌曲歷史;《我為你歌唱》1961年12月開播,透過《正聲歌選》點唱以服務聽眾,歌選標榜收錄最新的電影歌曲或國語新歌。本論文藉由兩個歌唱節目之節目內容與播放歌曲的類型,梳理60年代初期國語流行歌曲新舊交織的轉型歷史,以及延伸出的新活動、帶動的新潮流,最後歸納臺灣1960年代初期國語流行歌曲的新轉變。 本研究希望能充實1960年代初期廣播歌唱節目以及國語流行歌曲之發展,並期許此研究能夠作為戰後臺灣國語流行歌壇史一小部分之補充。


In the 1960s the broadcasting industry in Taiwan thrived and became entrepreneurial, bringing about the emergence of a wide array of new radio programs with the singing programs being the audience’s favorite in particular. However, previous research rarely notices the importance of singing programs in the history of Mandarin popular music. This research investigate the singing programs in the 1960s started by the Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation, run by the founder Xiao-Hua Xia at the time. By studying the primary source from Cheng-Kwan Monthly Magazine and relevant material, the author analyzes the relationship between the singing programs and the history of Chinese popular music, and the influences of the singing programs in the popular music scene of Taiwan. During the era of Xia, The Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation founded two singing programs, namely Ge Tan Chun Qiu and Wo Wei Ni Ge Chang. Ge Tan Chun Qiu started in April 1958 with a focus on broadcasting the old popular songs from Shanghai, while Wo Wei Ni Ge Chang started in December 1961 and sing songs from the books Cheng Shen Songs which consists of the newest Mandarin songs in the scene. Thus, from the content and the songs broadcast in the two singing programs, the author looks into the continuation and transformation of the Mandarin popular music scene during the 1960s and summarizes the significance of the era in the history of Mandarin popular music in Taiwan. By this research, the author wishes to enrich the studies of singing program in the 1960s, and contribute to the research scene of the history of the post-war Mandarin popular music scene in Taiwan.


《正聲、正義之聲 過去這五年》。1955。正聲廣播公司。
