  • 學位論文


How to use celebrities in creative approach which can be more persuasive in Print Advertising

指導教授 : 任立中副教授


做為廣告從業者我們關心不只是如何挑選代言人,而是代言人與廣告表現形式,那種是最適配的呈現,而能提高廣告效果。然而過去學者研究關心焦點在代言人型態(專家、名人、CEO)那種型態代言人在不同產品型態(Product category)會有更好的廣告效果。 但少有學者從廣告訴求觀點做探討,因此本文探討重點也在於,廣告代言人在不同廣告訴求型態中,影響消費者對廣告偏好的差異程度。 本研究以聯合分析法做為分析工具,而聯合分析的一項基本假設是: 受測者是依據構成受測體的多個屬性(attributes)來從事知覺和偏好的判斷。透過這樣分析方法,較能發現代言人及廣告訴求對廣告效果的影響程度。 本研究之研究目的如下: 1. 不同廣告代言人對廣告效果影響程度 2. 不同廣告訴求型態對廣告效果影響程度。 3. 不同消費族群對不同廣告訴求偏好差異與程度。


As being an advertising participant, what I’m interested in are not only how to choose a perfect endorser but also what is the best performance for the endorser to increase the advertising effect. The past researches were almost focus on the types of the endorsers — eg. expert, celebrity, or CEO etc. Furthermore, they have also discussed about what kind of the endorsers would get better ad effect when encountering different product categories. However, fewer scholars probed into the relationship between ad effect and endorsers or creative approaches. Therefore, the thesis is about to discuss how does it influent consumers’ preferences by different kinds of endorsers with different creative approaches. The research is based on Conjoint analysis. And there is one basic hypothesis of Conjoint analysis that respondents will make their preferences by the attributes of the subjects. Through this analysis, we can find out how much ad effect is influenced by endorsers and creative approaches. 1. How is the ad effect influenced diversely by different endorsers? 2. How is the ad effect influenced diversely by different creative approaches? 3. What are the preferences between different target groups for different creative approaches?


4. 陳敏郎: 廣告代言人對推薦品牌廣告效果影響之研究,國立交通大學經營
3. 林秉毅: 聯合分析法在平面廣告文案屬性水準決策上之應用-以汽車廣告為例,國立台灣大學國際企業學研究所,民國九十三年。
Jowett, Victoria O’Donnel。
1. Chung-Kue Hsu and Daniella McDonald(2002),”An examination on multiple celebrity endorsers in advertising”,The Journal of Product and Brand Management;; 11 (1), 19-27。
Journal of Advertising Research,Volume 23, No.1( February/March), 57-61。


