  • 學位論文


A study on the influence between elders' outdoor activity and walking environment

指導教授 : 陳亮全


高齡化為未來之趨勢,人口老化的社會結構勢必將更突顯高齡者安養方面的問題,近年來高齡者的安養已走向社區化,以延續既有生活與社會關係的安養方式,因此鄰里環境的支持性尤為重要,而步行為高齡者在日常生活中主要交通方式,高齡者藉由步行路徑組構日常生活領域,步行環境不但具備聯繫生活領域之功能,更是聯繫家庭與社會的脈絡,步行環境可視為家至社區溝通橋樑的延伸。 在台灣的都市發展過程中,城市快速的擴張與蔓延,導致今日居住環境普遍面臨交通、污染、擁擠等問題,而步行環境在過去不被重視的情形下發展,演變至今日人車衝突、步行環境髒亂、難以行走等問題產生,而這些問題對於高齡化在地安養的高齡者帶來莫大的衝擊,因此本研究由步行環境切入,探討步行環境與高齡者日常生活之影響。 本研究由相關理論與文獻,建構出高齡者步行環境使用現況評估內容與高齡者外出活動模式調查內容,並對兩個性質相異的鄰里,進行高齡者日常外出活動與步行環境之影響調查,且透過統計建立外出活動模式散布圖,再由質性的訪談與步行環境之干擾度,探討外出活動模式分佈情形,解析步行環境對高齡者日常外出活動之影響,步行環境對這些高齡者影響的程度與步行需求面向為何,是否有其他因素,為本研究所要探討的。 研究結果顯示,都市住商混合鄰里相較於市郊坡地住宅鄰里,提供了高齡者更多步行可及的生活領域,但相對的對於步行環境帶來更多的衝擊,由於機能的差異導致巷弄環境在市區與市郊呈現不同空間性質,且影響高齡者外出活動模式分布情形,有部分的原因來自社會或心理老化的影響,因此高齡者在相異的自身背景條件與環境條件下,存在步行需求的異質性,彼此有各自的步行需求重點面向以及步行環境對外出活動的影響程度。


It is important that elder social will be a trendy in the future. In daeling with elder issue,we should talk about where is the suitable place for them to live.One can not but admitted that community environment plays a important rule in elders’ life. Elders living in community continue their life style and retain their social relationship.Walking is a mainly way for elders to move,and elders construct their life space by attain other places.Walking environment not only has the function of transport but also has the function of connection between home and social. Rapid urban expansion in Taiwan results in many problems, such as traffic jam,air pullation and crowed of people. Rapid urban expansion also brings conflict between people and car in the city. This study will establish the investigation system of the walking environment of elder and the investigation contant of elders’ outdoor activity .After establishment,the study will investigate two communities which have different features. The study will discuss what effets elders’outdoor activity and what kind of the walking environment elders need. This study shows that the community in the city offers more activity than that in the countryside,but it also brings more conflict than that in the countryside. That the function of communities is different results in different space. Elders have different needs of walking environment, because of different situations of health,social relationship and community environment.


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