  • 學位論文

『高科技廠房土建興建過程工期控制模式之研究 -- 以南部科學工業園區12吋晶圓廠為例』

『Research on Schedule Control of High-Tech Plants Construction - Taking the 12-inch Wafer Plants in the Southern Taiwan Science Park for Example。』

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


高科技廠辦興建工程具有大量資金、各類設備複雜介面、工程建設工期趕及時程短、特殊建築技術開發、重視風險管理等特性,本研究以積體電路體產業高科技廠辦工程建廠經驗為主軸,歸納出影響主要徑工期之關鍵因子及有效縮短工期之作法,並建立一套可行、有效之標準操作模式。 以往高科技廠辦工程視建廠階段如期完工為最基本要求,惟高科技產業具演進加速之特性,高科技產業隨著技術不斷加速更新,產品之生命週期不斷縮短,為了爭取競爭優勢與降低生產成本,必須透過廠房之興建將所研發之產品在短時間內大量投入生產,以搶得市場機會並提升市場佔有率。因此,興建高科技廠房必須具備健全之建廠工期控管及趕工模式,以解決建廠過程中必須面對之各種問題。 本研究將針對高科技廠房工程工期控管問題,搜集工程實務案例加以彙整分析,藉由案例之呈現,分析工期控管不當造成趕工之因素及狀況,當廠商面臨趕工問題時,如何應用趕工策略方式進行趕工,以期能順利完成工程,並將分析資料作為日後類似工程案例之參考資料。 關鍵詞:高科技廠房、工期控管、趕工策略


The construction of the high-tech plant has a lot of money to do all kinds of complex equipment interface , construction and schedule to catch a short period , special construction technology development, emphasis on risk management and other features, this study integrated circuit industry, high-tech plant body to do engineering construction experience for the spindle, summarized the key factors affecting the duration of the main trails and effectively shorten the duration of the practice , and the establishment of a viable , effective standard operating mode. Previous works , as do the high-tech plant construction phase completed on schedule for the most basic requirements , except for the high-tech industry has accelerated the evolution of the characteristics of high-tech industries as technology continues to accelerate updated continuously shortening product life cycle , in order to gain competitive advantage and reduce production costs, through the construction of the plant will be developed in a short time a large number of products into production , in order to seize market opportunities and increase market share. Therefore, the construction of the high-tech plant construction schedule must have a sound control and rush mode to solve the various problems faced by the construction process must . This study will focus on high-tech plant construction period control problem, gather engineering practice cases to be pooled analysis , presented by the case of the analysis of improper factors control the duration and conditions of rush , rush when manufacturers face a problem , how to apply the rush strategy way rush to the successful completion of the project , and analyze data for future similar projects in the reference case . Keywords: high-tech plant , schedule control, crashing strategy


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