  • 學位論文


Policy Position Paper on Taiwan Overseas Representative Offices Purchasing vs Leasing-N.Y. Office as an example

指導教授 : 柯承恩


我國派駐海外各機構負有外交工作、經貿合作、文化宣導、僑務推動等不同之範疇與任務,除了人與事外,最重要的就屬辦公處所之門面問題,駐外機構設置有其歷史背景及各項政經因素考量,然駐外館處即使係一人館,其基本開銷至少年需新台幣壹仟元萬以上就企業經營的角度如同企業總部設立120個海外分公司之型態規模,必須要有企業管理的經營理念與思維及經濟效益評估,否則在政府財政緊縮及預算有限的情況下,勢將成為政府一個沉重的負荷。 目前我國正式駐外館處約有120個,其租用為104個,租用比例高達87%。一年租金將近新台幣八億餘元,故究竟續採租用方式?還是逐年編列預算購置為妥?又購置之方式是否可採資本租賃或由公營銀行出資主管機關再向其租賃或分期償還等如何以最佳之模式處理,利弊分析又如何?為本文探討之內涵。 惟本研究方向純屬經濟效益的評估,畢竟我國目前外交處境非常艱困,駐外館處之設置與購置,有其國際情勢的現實面與多項政治複雜因素之考量,並涉各種時間與空間及人為之變數。


Our nation’s oversea representative institutions perform several functions in areas of diplomacy, economic cooperation, cultural promotion, and overseas Chinese affairs; each differs in scopes and tasks. Aside from routine personnel and logistical affairs, the essential issue to be tackled by these institutions is the maintenance of office property and management of asset. The establishment of overseas institution is subject to historical, economic and political considerations, and the basic expense of the smallest representative office amounts no less than 100 millions NT dollars. The management and maintenance of 120 overseas representatives office, even by cooperate management standard, require effective managing concept and cost-benefit evaluation. However, the above mentioned expenses would bring heavy financial burdens to government whose budget and fiscal policy is limited in scope and constrained by rules. Currently, the number of our government representative offices stands at 120, among them, 87% (104 offices) are leased and the annual leasing expenditure amounts to nearly 800 millions NT dollars. The text, which follows, will discuss costs of property use (whether owned or leased), pros and cons of government ownership vs. leasing policy (such as continued leasing vs. annual budgetary buy-out policy, way of purchase by government direct capital purchase vs. budgetary allocation through investments of state-owned financial institutions, etc.) To sum up, given changing international circumstances and domestic political considerations added to our diplomatic difficulty, the following analytical text, which involves all sorts of time and human factors influencing establishment and purchase of overseas government institution, will try to evaluate based on pure economic effects.




