  • 學位論文


The Development of Third Party Beneficiary Contract in Continental Europe

指導教授 : 陳自強


關於第三人契約權利之議題,當今世界上各主要法系,率皆承認第三人利益契約之制度,台灣民法亦不例外,而於第269條規定未締結契約之第三人,亦可基於締約當事人間之合意而取得契約所生之權利、締約當事人之任意撤銷權,以及第三人之拒絕受益權,並於第270條規定債務人所得對第三人主張之抗辯。然而,兩條之規定,僅有寥寥數語,學界普遍認為略嫌簡陋,因此當事人與第三人間法律關係之適用,仍然有待學說與實務之發展以進一步補充其內涵。 有鑑於此,本文乃嘗試採取法制史之觀點,耙梳整理「第三人利益契約制度」發展建立之相關文獻,以祈能釐清「第三人利益契約制度」之來龍去脈,並試圖還原其真實面貌。而考量到我國民法體系基本上係採取大陸法系之規範模式,本文因此選定歐陸法作為論述之中心,企圖說明「第三人契約制度」於歐陸法下之發展過程。就此,本文縱向地回溯自歐陸法之共同基礎--羅馬法,開始說明自羅馬法以來,迄至西元19世紀法典化運動後誕生的法國、德國民法典中,對於第三人契約權利議題之處理方式。 本文第一章首先交代研究的動機與目的、研究之方法與範圍;接著第二章從羅馬法出發,說明羅馬法下關於「債」之效力主觀上所及之範圍,以及「無人可為他人締約」、「不可能藉由他人取得」之原則及其例外。第三章則說明中世紀下,「教會法」、「中世紀羅馬法」以及「地方法」各自處理第三人契約權利議題之方式與態度。第四章則就西元17、18世紀時,於自然法思想、尼德蘭諸省「現代法」下,廣泛承認第三人權利之各種途徑加以介紹、說明。第五章針對法典化運動後,德國、法國兩大大陸法系代表,對於第三人利益契約正式承認之發展過程,學說、實務上意見之折衝與突破,加以詳細闡述。第六章,則於整理第三人利益契約制度於歐陸法兩千年以來之發展脈絡後,提出本文之結論。


With regard to the contractual rights of third parties, major legal systems in the world all acknowledge the 'Third Party Beneficiary Contract', and Taiwan is no exception. On the one hand, Taiwanese civil code Article 269 provides that the third party could derive contractual rights from the contract which he did not actually enter into, the uncoditional rights to revoke or modify the contract for the parties, and the right for third parties to reject the advantages of the contract. On the other hand, Article 270 prescribes the defences which promisor in entitled to raise against third party beneficiary. However, scholars in Taiwan generally consider these two articles are insufficient to deal with the issues concerning the contractual rights of third parrties. Therefore it has to be complemented by the scholarship and legal practice. As a consequence, this paper is aimed to clarify the actual contour and illustrate the development context of third party beneficiary contract. To achieve this goal, this paper will discuss the devolopment of third party beneficiary contract from historical account. And in view of Taiwan being part of the Civil-Law system community, this paper choose Continental European law to be the main object when dealing with the issue. To begin with, this paper reaches back to the roman law for the origin of third party rights and then explores its developing course for nearly two thosand years in Continental Europe. Finally, this paper ends with the provisions of German and French civil code, both of which acknowledge the third party beneficiary contract of modern significance. This paper is composed of six chapters. Chaper 1 contains the introduction of the issues and motives as well as methods for the research. Chaper 2 deals with the roman law doctrines for third party rights under contracts, especially the famous legal maxims from Corpus Juris Civilis, that is 'alteri stipulari nemo potest' and 'per extraneam personam nihil adquiri posse'. Chapter 3 is mainly focued on the medieval scholarship which consists of canon law, medieval roman law, and 'ius propria' of northern Italy and Castile in Spain. Chapter 4 illustrates the general approach in the 16th and 17th century, mainly the attitudes of natural law and 'ius hodiernum' in Netherlands such as 'Roman-Dutch Law','Roman-Utrecht Law',and 'Roman-Frisian Law'. Chpter 5 puts emphasis on the influence of the codification of civil law in europe, including German and French civil code. Both of them confer the contractual rights for third parties, though in slightly different ways. Chapter 6 gives overview of the devolopment of third party beneficiary contract in continental europethe at first and then sets forth the conclusion of this paper.


