  • 學位論文


Re-positioning a Market/City: The Urban Processes of Relocating the Jianguo Market in Taichung

指導教授 : 黃舒楣


位於火車站旁、供應著台灣中部縣市日常食材所需的建國市場,於2016年讓位給火車站周邊更新計畫而進行搬遷及重建。本研究意圖探究攤商面對市場搬遷與重建的回應過程,以及國家與公有市場之間權責關係的重整。本研究以台中建國市場為田野範疇,在搬遷前夕與搬遷初期的兩年之間,採取參與觀察法及深度訪談法取得一手田野材料,同時分析市政府相關計畫報告等二手資料,進行對市場搬遷改建的研究。本研究認為,探討歷久四十餘年的公有傳統市場,如何在國家對於城市布局變化中再次成市的都市過程,應有助於未來對市場搬遷或改建的再思考。 本研究發現國家藉由正式規劃介入市場搬遷,不僅將市場從原本的零批性質重新定位成觀光零售方向,掌握主導權的國家亦從中抽脫了應負起的相應責任。市場從以前的安置角色轉換成拓荒者角色,新市場座落的地點不再以市場本身為考量主體,而是成了市政府擘劃城市布局之中的一步棋。本研究亦發現市場搬遷與重建帶來的衝擊效應,也大多由攤商個體與市場社群所承接吸收。從積極面來看,攤商施展生存術而展現的適應力,雖然幫助渡過初遷時期的危機,但從消極面來看,卻造成無意間讓市政府從它應付的責任中全身而退。最後應當叩問的是:當面臨搬遷與重建之際,究竟誰可以參與設計一個「公有市場」?應打破目前國家作為權屬上的擁有者而掌握絕對主導權的狀態,讓攤商對市場的參與設計不再徒具形式、對市場的想像得以進入核心。


Taichung Jianguo Market, located at the intersection of Jianguo road and Bade street, was moved to the other side of the railway in late September 2016. Despite the several years fight with the Taichung municipal government, 700 stalls and 176 householders were forced to relocate and reorganize everything they’ve built for more than forty years. As the largest traditional market in Taichung, Jianguo Market is the main suppliers of all kind of foods and groceries of many government branches, retail markets and night markets in the middle of Taiwan. It is also a market for many local people to purchase household food ingredients. Although traditional markets are facing challenges from discount stores and supermarkets in contemporary Taiwan, they have not yet been replaced and are still maintaining its main functions. Relocation and reconstruction of a traditional market might lead to its declining, at the meanwhile, it might also be a way out for these traditional markets: adjusting to nowadays peoples’ habits and routines, so as to continue its vitality and restring up the local food supply chain. When it comes to relocating and rebuilding a local-rooted market that has lasted for forty years, it is definitely not a piece of cake. Accordingly, this research aims to reexamine why the relocation and reconstruction of traditional markets in Taiwan would be such a hard nut to crack? Based on the ethnographic survey approach, participatory observation and several in-depth interviews with the stallholders were conducted between September 2015 - July 2017. There are several stages in the process of relocation and reconstruction. The conclusions of this research can be summarized as follows : Firstly, there is a long process of communication and discussion between the municipal government and the stallholders long before the relocation. They hold different viewpoints for site selection, design and stall allocation, however, the final design results are greatly affected only by the municipal government, since they stand in unequal power positions all the time. The final design results are greatly affected since they not only hold different viewpoints for site selection, design and stall allocation of the new the Jianguo market but also stand in unequal power positions. Secondly, the municipal government eliminates the rental-housing above the market building but without incomplete Act. The tenants, who rely on low-rent lodgings but lose their shelters, could not be resettled to the new market as stall-keepers do. The long-term cumulative neighborhood connections would be broke up. Thirdly, the stallholders’ attempts to resume their business, facing new customers, adjusting to the new structure of the market and management strategies are tiring and unrewarding, in order to survive in the new circumstance, they need to work harder in all aspects. Some stallholders choose to drop out, the other attempt to apply survival skills in order to settle down in the new market. Unless they choose to drop out, they do their best to apply survival skills in order to settle down in the new market. Finally, for the continuity of the long-term faith in the Jianguo Market, the committees, which are responsible for the affairs of Matsu(媽祖) and Village Deity(土地公), proposed to the municipal government for additional space to accommodate these two temples. The process, which the rental housing residents could not have, shows practice of resistance and meditation. Compared to the removed rental-housing , it shows the practice of resistance and meditation. This research asserts that the relocation of a traditional market involves many complicated aspects, and it is not possible to rely only on the municipal government to plan and design everything. It is important that many potential ideas need to be expressed and delivered directly from the stallholders in the process of negotiation, all stallholders must be included during the decision making process. Through the case of the Jianguo Market, it may be able to arouse some inspirations for the future relocation and reconstruction of traditional markets.


