  • 學位論文


A Location Problem of Battery-Swapping Stations for Electric Scooters

指導教授 : 朱致遠


近年來全球暖化日益嚴重,各國政府正積極尋找綠色的替代能源‧在台灣交 通部門所排放出的廢棄占總廢氣量的百分之十五,其中私人運具是主要的因素‧因此政府推動了一系列補助電動機車的方案,而這也讓電動機車在台灣的數量有顯著的上升‧然而要更近一步推動電動機車,電動機車的能源補充站就顯得特別的重要‧在台灣目前主要有電池充電站以及電池交換站兩種主要的能源補充站,而本研究著重在電池交換站的設置問題上考慮整個電池交換的系統,包含營運者端的設置交換站費用,使用者端交換的電池的旅運成本以及未交換到電池的不滿意成本等,將上述的總成本最小化‧電池交換站的設置問題為一個長時間的決策問題,必須將未來的各種情境考慮進去,因此隨機規劃被納入在本研究當中‧ 最終求解有效率的設站方式,讓整個系統的成本最小、以達到資源的有效利用‧


Because of the global warming, governments in many countries replace fossil fuel with green energy. In Taiwan, greenhouse emission from transportation industry accounts for twenty-two percent of total air pollution. In order to reduce pollution, some country (city) governments will compensate for those users who switch from gasoline-fueled scooter to electric scooter. Therefore, there are more and more electric scooter users in Taiwan for recent years. The charging systems of electric scooter can be generally divided into two; one is charging batteries and the other is swapping batteries. The former means that users charge their own batteries and the latter users swap the low power battery with high one. Batteries swapping system can be defined as a process that users exchange a lower power battery for higher one at the specific location, swapping batteries station. Due to the special design swapping batteries station, electric vehicle system can extend the battery Life-cycle and collect the Driving Behavior data. Thus, batteries swapping system has become the main service for electric scooter users to charge energy. The topic of this research is to decide the location of batteries swapping stations which considering batteries activity (charging or staying full capacity) at swapping station and batteries activity at user side (consuming or waiting for battery). The problem is formulated as a stochastic programming problem. The objective of this paper is to minimize the total expected cost of station installation cost and the user swapping inconvenience.


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