  • 學位論文


The Comparative Research of One-stage and Two-stage Pedestrian Crossing at Signalized Intersection

指導教授 : 許添本


目前國內行人一段式穿越路口之方式,在路幅較寬的路口必須設置較長的綠燈時間供行人通行,造成較高之車輛及行人延滯與較長之週期,更有轉向車輛與行人之衝突情形,也鮮有路口設置庇護島提供弱勢族群安全等候空間。由於國內保障行人在路口安全的方式乏善可陳、成果有限,爰本研究利用行人兩段式穿越之號誌設計策略,期能兼顧所有用路人於路口的安全與效率。 本研究主要著重在人車並存之號誌開發,在兼顧人車之安全及效率、避免人車衝突之前提下,保留群組基礎以流動為控制單元之彈性及時相基礎以時相為順序之一致性,在可行的候選時相中,以數學規劃法求解,利用綠燈長度控制每個流動路權時間,設計出以人為本、結合人車流動、兼具理論實務應用、融合國內外號誌控制發展之新型混合號誌設計哲學。 為了比較一段式及兩段式行人穿越時制之績效,車輛延滯部分沿用公路容量手冊均勻延滯及漸增延滯概念,行人延滯則與以往一段式穿越延滯差異甚大。分析兩段式穿越停等時間及停等行人群體之多元性,在行人與車輛流動之綠燈時間與週期皆為決策變數之情形下,本研究以圖形化方式輔助,發展適用於新型混合號誌設計哲學之行人兩段式穿越延滯模式。 本研究將臺北市羅斯福路-辛亥路口作為案例分析對象,以三階段方式進行求解演算,第一階段選出必要時相,第二階段求得必要時相秒數與週期,第三階段可再彈性調整整體效率傾向於行人或車輛。結果顯示行人兩段式穿越較一段式穿越之時制,人車總效率大幅提升,延滯降幅達35%至50%,雖然行人綠燈可利用率下降25%,但每小時可減少約886次車輛與行人衝突。若以更傾向於人本觀點來設計號誌時制,在調整係數數值小於0.5時,行人綠燈可利用率將呈現遞增趨勢,調整係數每下降0.1,行人綠燈可利用率將上升1%。


In Taiwan, there should be set the longer pedestrian green time in one-stage crossing at the intersection with the broader width. It triggers the longer cycle and the higher delays of vehicles and pedestrians. Moreover, there will be the conflict between vehicle and pedestrians. And there was few pedestrian islands to protect those who need to wait for a while when crossing the broad crosswalk. In order to give consideration of safety and effectiveness of all road users, this thesis utilize the two-stage crossing to develop the traffic signal design strategy. Under the premise that giving consideration of safety and effectiveness of all road users and avoiding the conflict of vehicles and pedestrians, this thesis proposes the new type mixed traffic signal design with the idea of humanity-oriented, the mixture of vehicles and pedestrians flow, the application of theory and practice, and the development of traffic control in domestic and international. In comparison of performance between one-stage and two-stage crossing, the thesis applies the formula with the concept of uniform delay and incremental delay to calculate vehicles delays. On the other hand, the pedestrian delay is far different from two-stage to one-stage crossing. In the condition that green time of vehicles and pedestrians and cycle are all decision variables, this thesis analyzes the waiting time and waiting group and with the assistance of time-space diagram to propose the two-stage crossing delay modal for the new type mixed traffic signal design. The thesis take Roosevelt Road and Xinhai Road intersection as a case study. The calculation procedure include three steps: the first is to select the necessary phase, the second is to calculate the time of phase and cycle, and the third is to make use of coefficient to adjust the effectiveness which is prone to vehicles or pedestrians. The results show the total delay declines about 35% to 50% from one-stage crossing to two-stage crossing. Though the green time utility of pedestrian decrease 25%, the design reduces 886 times pedestrian-vehicle conflict per hour. With the concept of effectiveness prone to humanity, in the case of the adjustment coefficient less than 0.5, the green time utility of pedestrian shows an up-trend. While the adjustment coefficient decreases each 0.1, the green time utility of pedestrian increases 1%.


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