  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Production Efficiency of All-in All-out Method and Traditional Farrow-to-Finish Method Applied by Pig Farms:A Case Study on Chiuan-Min Farms

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


本研究採用自家牧場-全民牧場之經營資料,利用敘述統計與獨立樣本T檢定探討批次生產對於一貫化豬場的各階段生產效益的影響。本研究結果顯示,針對批次生產對於生產各階段:配種、繁殖,保育探討的九大指標,絕大部分皆有正向且顯著的影響;而少部分呈現不顯著,如:分娩率、胎活仔數和胎死仔比例,原因歸咎於批次轉換初期的產能下降、現場作業人員的適應期和夜間分娩無專人照顧等原因,估計約經過3-6個月即可步入軌道。 傳統生產轉換到批次生產需投入改建成本、人事成本等等,在加上初期的產能下降,獲利降低,使得許多飼主卻步觀望;本研究結果顯示,透過積極管理使得牧場於一年時間達成梯次所設定之目標,穩定成長使得場內每月的肉豬上市量由原本1382頭/月提升至1843頭/月,每月獲利約可增加70萬/月,在不考慮設備折舊的前提之下,約可在20個月左右回本。故以長期經營考量,批次生產應是未來傳統式一貫場較佳的模式選擇。


一貫場 批次生產 生產效益


The purpose of the study is to explore the impact of All-in All-out Method on each step of productivity of a farrow-to-finish farm。In this study, Descriptive Statistics, Independent Samples T-Test,and data collected from Chuan Min farm are used。 The result implied that All-in All-out Method had a positive and significant effect on the majority of the nine indicators of steps of production: service, breeding,and conservation。However, the impact is not significant on minorities, like delivering rate, number of piglet born alive, and number of piglet born dead. It was in consequence of the reduction in production of the initial stage of All-in All-out transfer,the accommodation period of production workers, and night parturition without caring.。It was estimated to get in track after 3 months to 6 months。 The procedure of transferring traditional production to All-in All-out Method increased the cost of reconstruction and human resources and the reduced production of the initial stage and profitability。 Theses reasons stopped farm owners。The result of this study showed that it took one year to reach the goal of All-in All-out by active management;steady growth increased the amount of market hogs from 1382 per month to 1843 per month and 700,000 NTD per month。 Under the premise that is without considering the depreciation of equipment, it took about 3 years to reach the break-even point。 For a long-term-concern, All-in All-out Method should be a better way for a farrow-to-finish farm。


