  • 學位論文


A Study of Green Road Pricing on Distance-based Toll Scheme

指導教授 : 張堂賢


目前高速公路道路服務水準評估多以「道路擁塞狀況」(V/C)值以及「行車順暢程度」(平均速率與速限的差距),無法將用路人所產生的外部成本納入服務水準的評估指標當中。故本研究以「綠色交通成本」為出發點,將「延滯時間成本」、「碳排放成本」、「肇事風險成本」納入其中,做為高速公路交通服務水準的考量依據之一。 我國高速公路電子收費系統於102年底由計次收費轉換成計程收費,民眾使用高速公路的行為隨之改變。政府為了維持基金財務健全,須維持年收入為220億,而高速公路局提供民眾每日免費里程20公里的優惠。本研究配合上述兩個條件,制定道路定價模型,包含靜態道路定價模型、動態道路定價模型。靜態道路定價模型包含「基本道路定價」、「依計程(里程長度)道路定價」、「尖離峰分級之道路定價」。動態道路定價考量用路人、政府、電子收費公司三方關係,以「綠色交通成本」為考量依據,建立動態均衡模型,制定出三贏的方案組合。 本研究所選定的研究路段為國道一號、三號、五號,研究時段為2014年6月3日到6月30日,結合碳排放相關資料、交通參數資料、肇事資料,以及道路幾何資料,制定「綠色交通成本」的計算方式。靜態基本道路定價的結果,小客車、小貨車的基本費率為1.0435元,低於現行每公里單價1.2元。大型車、大客車、聯結車的基本費率分別為1.9827元、2.6192元、3.1827元,高於現行每公里單價1.5元、1.8元。若以依計程道路定價為收費標準,每日里程累積在20至200公里之間的旅次會受到最大的影響。動態道路定價的結果,基本費率以0.9801元為最佳費率,此時政府能夠維持財務健全,年收入為$22,001,897,187,電子收費公司所獲得最佳年收入為$379,456,020,並能夠達成政策目標,創造出政府、電子收費公司、用路人三贏的局面。


Recently, the level of road service on highway is always based on “the level of road congestion”(V/C) and “the level of road smoothness”(between average speed and speed limit). We can’t take the external cost into consideration to evaluate the level of road service. Hence, we bring the concept of “Delay Time Cost”, “Carbon Emission Cost” ,and “Accident Risk Cost” into “Green Safety Cost” in order to make the green safety cost become a criterion to evaluate the level of road service on highway. Taiwan Highway Electronic Toll Collection System (ETC) has changed from entry-based toll payment system into distance-based toll payment system since December 2013.Passengers’ behavior would change due to distance-based toll payment. Because the government has to maintain financial structures, its annual income must be NT$ 22 billion. The Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau grants passengers preferences so that, for the first 20 kilometers traveled each day is free of each vehicle. Based on the two conditions mentioned above, this research formulates road pricing mechanism which is composed of “static road pricing mechanism” and “dynamic road pricing mechanism”. The static road pricing mechanism includes “ basic road pricing,” distance-based road pricing”, and” off-peak period road pricing”. The dynamic road pricing mechanism considers the relationship between passengers, government, and the electric tolling company, building a dynamic general model, and creates a win-win-win situation for passengers, government, and the electric tolling company. Our research sections include the Taiwan Freeway No. 1, Taiwan Freeway No. 3, and Taiwan Freeway No. 5 during the period from 3rd June 2014 until 30th June 2014.We combine carbon emission data, traffic parameter data, accident data, lane geometry data and formulate the green safety cost .The result of static basic road pricing shows that the basic price of passenger car and small truck is NT$ 1.0435 ,which is lower than NT$ 1.2 per 1 kilometer charged from small vehicles in Taiwan nowadays . The basic price of bus, large truck , tractor is NT$ 1.9827, NT$ 2.6192, NT$ 3.1827 respectively, which is higher than NT$ 1.5 per 1 kilometer charged from large vehicles and NT$ 1.8 per 1 kilometer charged from tractors. If we implement static distance-based road pricing in this research, it will have a great impact on travel distance between 20 km to 200 km. The result of dynamic road pricing shows that if we set the basic price on 0.9801, not only the government can maintain financial structure with a certain annual income ($22,001,897,187), but also electric tolling company can acquire a better income ($379,456,020). The electric tolling company can achieve the policy objective, and passengers can take advantage of the first 20 kilometers traveled each day for free. It creates a three-win situation for passengers, government, and the electric tolling company.


27.周賢榮 、蘇恩德、 鄭文英、李勝榮(2010),「台灣地區中高齡受雇人員退休行為之研究-多元邏輯斯迴歸分析應用」,人文暨社會科學期刊,第六卷,第二期
