  • 學位論文


The Influence of Upward Cleft Groundwater on the Stability and the Behavior of Dip Slope Failures

指導教授 : 林銘郎


104年蘇迪勒及杜鵑颱風造成新北市烏來區多處邊坡崩塌,其中忠治里崩塌的源頭包括表土層順層面滑動及包含表土及節理岩層的順層面發生,崩滑後新見光的滑動面上,可見走向節理與傾向節理,並有地下水沿走向節理向上滲出的現象。因此推測地下水在節理中流動而對崩塌行為造成影響。但目前較少文獻針對向上地下水對邊坡破壞行為之改變進行探討,因此本研究以物理試驗及離散元素法軟體進行相關討論。 首先本研究根據現地狀況建立概念模型,以滲流傾斜儀進行定性之物理試驗。由平台底部之出水孔供水模擬向上滲出之地下水,並分別利用石膏板或塊狀研磨石模擬含垂直節理之岩體,及利用圓形研磨石拌合糨糊模擬具凝聚性之表土層。了解向上水流對試體崩塌行為影響,以及發生崩塌時不同材料間滑動順序和運動行為。試驗結果顯示介面摩擦力與試體內部強度相對關係決定初始破壞面發展位置,較低者為破壞容易先發生處;若膠結材料弱會受水流影響逐漸弱化或流失,向上地下水則會誘發原先穩定之邊坡發生破壞,且水量越大崩滑所需時間越短。 接續利用離散元素法軟體PFC3D以簡化的地下水壓施加於顆粒及材料因水弱化等方式,在數值模型中表現水流對試體之作用。重現物理試驗時隨時間逐漸降低受水流影響之材料摩擦係數等參數,並考量水流在顆粒層內產生的滲流力,以及對塊狀層產生的上揚水壓力,以符合在物理試驗中觀察到的試體破壞行為。最終將水流之影響設定應用至忠治崩塌模擬,以PFC3D探討崩塌歷程。相較於單純降低摩擦係數驅動崩塌的方法,更接近實際案例中地下水位上升引致崩塌的機制。


Typhoon Soudelor caused regional landslides in northern Taiwan in 2015. Jhongjhih landslide in district contains a rock–soil interface mixed ground. Groundwater can flow into upper layer through high-angle joints, which would erode the slope and reduce the stability due to upward groundwater. Nevertheless, the effects of upward groundwater on slope stability and the kinematics of dip slope failure caused by groundwater are rarely discussed in the literature. In this research, physical model tests and numerical simulations are used to address these issues under diverse conditions. In the physical model tests use water flow inclinometer is used to observe the effect of upward water. There are three holes at the centerline of water flow inclinometer. The holes allow water to flow from the bottom of inclinometer which can lead to upward seepage. The blocky layer specimen is a board made from gypsum, or composed of artificial diamond shaped rock-like material. The granular layer consists of spherical shaped rock-like material, which is cemented by paste. The three-dimensional distinct element program PFC3D is used to simulate the physical tests. The simulations reduce the value of parameters include element’s friction and bond strength as time goes by. In the simulations, seepage force is applied on the particles under water and water pressure is applied on the block layer. Finally, considering the influences of upward groundwater, this research simulates Jhongjhih landslide to identify the process of this landslide.


19.林承翰(2014), 應用斜坡單元及分離元素法探討大型崩塌之演育。臺灣大學土木工程學研究所學位論文,共112頁。
