  • 學位論文


Applying Neural Machine Translation to Fashion Website Localization

指導教授 : 高照明




As the number of internet users grows around the world, the demand for website localization also increases. To meet this ever-growing need, a trend has inevitably formed where automatic translation is being integrated into the workflow of localization. In recent years, the development of the internet has provided easy access to various corpora, which advances the technology of machine translation and, in turn, realizes the application of customized neural machine translation (NMT). Nevertheless, previous studies on customized NMT usually center on improving the technology itself. Thus, this research focuses on applying a customized NMT to website localization and validating its performance and effects with automatic evaluation and an experiment involving human translators. To build customized NMT, the bilingual text from shopping websites including H&M, ZARA and Burberry is compiled into a parallel corpus, which is divided into two separate corpora which train and evaluate the customized NMT. In addition to automatic evaluation, this study also carries out an experiment aiming to compare the effectiveness of the customized NMT and that of general MT which was modeled on real localization projects which involved professional translators,. The automatic evaluation result indicates that the NMT built in this research performs well. Moreover, based on the feedback from translators participating in this study, the customized NMT does exhibit positive effects on increasing translation efficiency. Due to the fact that the corpus used in this research is limited to a specific domain, the results might not be applicable to other localization fields, and further research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of customized NMT in other domains.


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