  • 學位論文


Sichuan Local Governance: A Comparative Study between GMD and CCP (1935-1952)

指導教授 : 陳永發


在論文前半部,作者希望探討國府時期的四川基層實況。一個縣長至基層任職時,面對地方的穩定權力結構,該用什麼方式與策略,在重重侷限中,施展自己的施政理念,以及上級交辦的各項任務;相對而言,上級又給予縣長什麼樣的資源,讓他們得以殺出重重包圍,將國家重新帶回四川基層?本文以陳開泗、康凍,分別在新都、新繁兩縣任職經歷為例,描述各自展現不同的施政理念,試圖開創一片新天地,但雙雙以失敗告終,說明空有組織架構,但無法形成有效的整體戰,縣長在基層猶如孤軍作戰,如果不選擇與地方權貴合作,將會一事無成。 在後半段,則以中共在1950年初在四川推動征糧,遭遇重大反抗後,如何具體回應為例,探討中共治理四川基層與國民黨的不同之處。中共的征糧以「合理負擔」為原則,亦即大戶多繳,而小戶少繳或免出,引發各地權貴不滿,帶頭進行大規模武裝抗爭。鄧小平並未因此妥協,決定以軍隊鎮壓為主,配合統一戰線、發動群眾等政治策略,清除帶頭反抗者,拉攏合作者,並藉此培養積極份子,以為未來準備。中共透過的黨政軍一元化的整體戰,讓基層幹部擁有思想、武力、財政與人力等支援,不似國民政府的縣長在基層如孤鳥一般,得以一步步地在基層打開局面,完成上級的各項任務。此為兩者最大的不同之處。


國民黨 中共 四川 治理 徵糧


In the first part of the article, the author tried to explore the actual situation of basic-level organization in Sichuan during the time of the National Government. What kind of methods and strategies a magistrate should adopt when he faced the stable power structure to implement his concept of governance and complete various tasks required by the supervisors in numerous restrictions. Relatively, what resources would the supervisors give magistrates so that they could break the heavy encirclement and bring the state back to the basic-level organization in Sichuan? This article took the examples of Chen Kaisi and Kang Dong’s experiences serving in Xindu and Xinfan Counties, described the facts that they tried to create a new world with their different concepts of governance, but finally both of them failed. It indicated that the organization structure couldn’t integrate effectively, the magistrate fought alone in the basic level. If they didn’t choose to compromise with the local elite, they would achieve nothing. In the second part of the article, it described what actions the Chinese Communist Party took when they promoted grain requisitions and encountered fierce resistance, explored the different management of their basic-level organization in Sichuan from GMD. The grain tax of the Chinese Communist Party led the local elite to revolt. Deng Xiaoping didn’t compromise with them and decided to suppress it with the army, adopted the political strategies of cooperating with the unified front, mobilizing the masses etc., got rid of the leading resisters, roped in the cooperative persons, fostered activists and prepared for the future. Through the integration of party, government and the army, the Chinese Communist Party enabled the basic-level organization to be supported with thought, armed forces, finance and humans etc., be able to open up a new situation gradually in the basic level and complete the tasks designated by the supervisors.


GMD CCP Sichuan governance


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