  • 學位論文


Characterization of Submicron Number Concentration Particles at Bus Station and Scooter Parking Garage

指導教授 : 詹長權


過往的研究中發現交通工具已經成為空氣中微粒的主要汙染源,並且發現柴油引擎以及汽油引擎所產生的微粒大部分均位於次微米(submicron)之下,近年的研究中發現次微米微粒(<1μm)對於人體健康有更大的影響,動物及細胞實驗發現次微米微粒會造成大鼠的呼吸道上皮細胞有明顯的發炎反應,氧化壓力顯著的增加,並穿過粒線體膜對粒線體造成傷害,流行病學也發現長時間暴露於次微米粒徑微粒下會造成健康人血中嗜中性白血球增加,每秒呼吸容積(FEV1)、尖峰吐氣流量(PEF)降低,並會造成敏感族群(年長、呼吸道疾病)的心跳變異率顯著降低,收縮、舒張壓及血壓的上升。 本研究針對台北市純柴油與純汽油排放源,國光客運西站以及峨嵋機車停車場,採集環境中次微米以下微粒粒數濃度資料,以及紀錄兩地點經過採樣儀器之車流量,以了解次微米微粒在環境中濃度、粒徑分布,次微米微粒(<1μm)與超細粒徑微粒(<100 nm)與排放強度間之關係。 本研究利用Grimm SMPS+C於2008年2月20-22日、10月28-30日,分別在國光客運西站候車月台處以及峨眉停車場B1兩地點,進行連續為時72小時進行粒徑範圍11.1nm-1083.3 nm之微粒採樣並同時紀錄兩地點車流量資料,利用簡單線性迴歸( Simple linear regression )分析車流量與次微米粒徑微粒間之關係。 研究結果發現國光客運西站平均次微米微粒數量濃度為9.96×105 cm-3,峨嵋停車場平均數量濃度為2.71×106 cm-3,100 nm以下微粒粒數濃度佔總數量濃度的90%;巴士站與機車停車場之次微米微粒數量濃度在車流量尖峰時段與非尖鋒時段有明顯的差異,研究利用簡單線性迴關檢驗車流量與次微米微粒以及超細粒徑微粒間之關係,發現巴士站每小時車流量對於次微米(R2=0.523)與超細粒徑微粒(R2=0.533)數量濃度均有高解釋力,機車停車場每小時車流量亦對於次微米(R2=0.802)與超細粒徑微粒(R2=0.767)數量濃度均有高度解釋力,此外研究中發現巴士站中每小時車流量可解釋次微米以下粒徑範圍中271.8 nm以下之微粒,機車停車場每小時車流量則對於11.1 nm-27 nm粒徑範圍之微粒以及27 nm- 124.1 nm間微粒均有高解釋力 巴士站尖峰時段次微米微粒數量濃度為非尖峰時段的27倍,機車停車場尖峰時段次微米微粒數量濃度為非尖峰時段的12倍,其中機車停車場的尖峰時段濃度以及非尖峰時段濃度均高於巴士站;使用巴士站使用柴油以及機車停車場使用汽油之車輛車流量對於次微米微粒與超細粒徑微粒均有高解釋力,並且環境半開放之機車停車場解釋力高於巴士站。


The purpose of this study is to characterize NC11.1-1083.3, NC11.1-100(number concentration of particle with size 11.1 nm - 1083.3 and 11.1 nm - 100 nm)at bus station and scooter parking garage in Taipei and to understand the relation between particle number concentration and emission strength in two sampling sites. This submicron particle number concentration and size distribution was measured with a scanning mobility particle sizer(SMPS+C)and temperature and relative humidity were also measured at bus station and scooter parking garage in Taipei from February 20th to 22nd and October 28th to 30th, 2008 , respectively. The sampling period at each site is 72 hours. We also documented the traffic volume and used simple linear regression to understand the correlation between submicron particle number concentration and emission strength. Average NC11.1-1083.3 at bus station and scooter parking garage were 9.96×105 cm-3, 2.71×106 cm-3 respectively, and are about 90% of particle number under 100 nm. There were significant diurnal variation in concentrations and traffic volume at bus station and scooter parking garage. There were positive correlations between NC11.1-1083.3, NC11.1-100 and traffic volume. The R-square for NC11.1-1083.3 and NC11.1-100 were 0.523 and 0.533 at bus station and 0.802 and 0.767 at scooter parking garage. There were also positive correlation between traffic volume and particle size under 271.8 nm at bus station and 11.1 nm -27 nm and 27 nm – 124.1 nm at scooter parking garage. The number concentration in rush hour was 27 times higher than in none rush hour at bus station and peak hour was 11 times higher then none peak hour at scooter parking garage. Both diesel and gasoline powered vehicle were highly correlation with particle under submicrometer at bus station and scooter parking garage. The correlation between particle number concentration between traffic volume in semi-open space was higher than in open space.


submicron ultrafine traffic volume


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