  • 學位論文


Becoming Taiwanese Good Women? Spatial Politics of Identity for Female Vietnamese Immigrants

指導教授 : 王志弘


越南新移民女性是跨國移動的實踐者,穿透台灣國家的邊界。為了維持台灣國族國家領域的完整性,在「安全」與「國族論述─新台灣人」名義下,新移民女性成為國家積極治理的對象。據此,由國家發動的身體治理技術有四個特點:(1)對付跨國移動身體的「例外狀態」;(2)公民是需要打造的(與自我打造);(3)國家治理體制的多尺度化;(4)國族國家管制的邊界即主流性�別規範的邊界。本文的核心論點與分析即依著上述四點,並納入領域化、地方化、尺度化、網絡化、移動等空間觀點的討論。 本文的核心發問:探討國族主義中,國族與性�別因素交織的複雜性。希望了解國族國家如何要求與指導新移民女性的性�別實踐,並且評價其為「好」與「壞」?空間扮演什麼樣的角色?以及當性�別實踐被區分為「好」與「壞」後,又是如何透過空間策略的操作影響國族國家領域邊界的調整? 本文採取田野研究、情境中訪談、深度訪談與官方資料來獲得分析的資料。本文區分出台灣好女人、越南好女人、台灣壞女人與越南壞女人等四個類別,兩兩一組來分析。分析策略是:指出國族國家領域是如何發動國家力量,來治理新移民女性。同時,她們也藉由不同的空間策略,在族裔化地方中擁有協商、抵抗與部分(不)服從的可能,以及尋求網絡支持和另類日常生活實踐。 我的研究發現是:新移民女性在認同上,面臨台灣國族國家由上而下的權力施展,必須予以協商與調整。納入性�別的討論後,發現不同的性�別實踐,會遭到不同的待遇。當她們符合主流性�別規範,就能成為台灣好女人,反之,當她們實踐「壞性」,就會被排除在國族國家領域外。面對不同的困境,她們透過跨國移動、創造族裔化地方、跨國與在地的族裔網絡、將族裔身分領域化等空間策略,尋找另類實踐的可能,瓦解好�壞的性別差異評價。讓我們看到性�別中立的國族假象,也看到遭逢國族─性�別雙重壓迫之底層人們的尊嚴,重新發現「人何以為人」的存在價值。 最後,在道德上,我們需要放下國族與國家合而為一的欲望,看見不同邊緣群體的生活樣貌,承認國族有其建構性、多重性、功能性以及危險性。新移民女性的例子讓我們看到「認同」是混雜、多重的,「空間」是流動與定著的辯證關係,因此我認為新移民女性需以「非國家中心主義」的方式,強調人民民主為基礎的新國際在地主義持續與國家機器抗衡。


As We know, more and more Vietnamese female immigrants flow across to Taiwan consistently. For the goal of integrity of Taiwanese nation-state’s territory, Taiwanese government proactively make these Vietnamese female immigrants into governing objectives and claim it for national security and national discourse entitlement. There are four governmentalities: (1) our government make orders to these immigrants, and make those immigrants bodies in the state of exception; (2) citizenship is made (and self-making); (3) national governance regime is multi-scales. (4) the boundary of nation-state controlling coincide with the boundary of mainstream sex/gender mindset. This thesis is trying to focus on the four governmentalities above and discuss them with spatial perspectives on territory, place, scale, networks/interconnectivity and mobility. I wondered about the intersection of the nation and gender factors. I propose that the nation-state sets restrictions on sex/gender practices and judge these immigrants morally. Furthermore, in this case, what will the “space” plays a role in this kind of discussion? And after the moral distinctions, how does the nation-state adjust to make national boundaries through spatial strategies? Data from fields, situational interviews, in-depth interviews and with official documents, the study is trying to explore the complexities between nationalism and sex/gender and how these they intersect. I generate four categories which are Taiwanese and Vietnamese good women; Taiwanese and Vietnamese bad women, and do analysis respectively. The study will show that how nation-state govern immigrant female and at the meanwhile, these immigrants as well, practice plenty of spatial strategies at the ethnic places to make the negotiation, resistance and some partial (dis)obedience. They still will seek for networking supports and other special daily practices. I find out that these immigrant women surely negotiate and adjust their identities while encountering the top-down power of Taiwanese nation-state. And, according to their sex/gender practices, they can become a Taiwanese good women when they obey to the mainstream sex and gender norms. However, if they “do badness”, they will be excluded out of the nation. Enduring these repression, they will trans-act, create ethnic places, involve in ethnic networks, territorialize ethnic identity, and cross through differential spatial strategies for their alternative practices, so as to be capable of deconstructing the sexually differentiation judgments. Morally should we forbid our desire for combining nations and nationalities so as to multiply our visions for embracing lifestyles of minorities, also should we acknowledge the construction, hybridity, functionality, and danger of the concept of nation. This study for immigrant female explicitly show the flourish development on identity with spatially migrations dialectics. Therefore I propose that the female immigrants should be “non-national egoism” and democratize their pathways to battle with the continually local state apparatus.


Female Immigrants Prostitute Ethnic Places Nationalism Space


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