  • 學位論文


Studies on Juridification of Risk Precaution in Food Safety Field

指導教授 : 蔡宗珍


近年來,我國食品市場一直處於極度不安定狀態,各種食品安全事件接踵而至,人們對於食品市場充滿懷疑與不安,此種現象除肇因於食品業者未能潔身自愛之違法行徑外,更多係人們必須面對來自環境、產業變遷、科技發展與全球化貿易,所帶來之結構性未知食品安全風險,顯示現代食品安全問題已從傳統危險防禦擴張至風險預防。面對此一改變,我國卻僅於食品安全事件發生時,以零碎、個案修法方式亡羊補牢,不僅未能杜絕食品安全事件,徒使食品安全管制趨向嚴刑峻罰,更意味我國食品安全管制體系仍舊停留在危險防禦,欠缺食品安全風險預防意識,故我國食品安全防護體系急待總體性檢討與重構。 食品安全非僅為一法律目的,而係作為人類重要生活目標,故本文研究目在於此種人類生活目標如何透過國家作用以達成,同時對於憲政國家之法治國原則帶來何種影響。申言之,由於食品安全風險具高度複雜性、專業性與不確定性, 食品安全預防本為一種科學任務,主力不在法學,國家如何將食品安全風險預防任務予以「法治化」,即以法為手段與憑藉,引導國家(即行政權)就食品安全風險進行預防,換言之,由國家建立食品安全風險行政法,以實踐對於食品安全保護義務之國家任務,另一方面,國家將風險預防手段納入法之範疇後,又將如何改變既有法律制度,進而影響人民權利保護。 此一背景下,本文將從食品安全問題本身開展討論,了解食品安全意義、食品形成與食品安全問題產生緣由與特色,探尋國家現代食品安全任務與難題之法律關聯意涵。其次,有鑑於食品安全關乎民生基礎需求,舉世皆然,因此本文以歐盟與德國法作為借鏡對象,藉由比較法方式觀察食品安全管制目標、食品安全風險預防管制基本原則與相關傳統或新興管制手段,進而描繪食品安全風險預防之基本管制形構,做為檢視我國食品安全風險預防法治化之參考。 再者,本文植基於食品安全風險預防基本決策與管制架構上,將進一步分析各種傳統與新興之行政管制手段之法理基礎、功能與侷限性,分析該等管制手段作為食品安全風險預防法治化手段之可能性、對於法治國原則之影響與變動,同時檢視我國食品安全法制中,現行已採取之風險預防法治化手段之合理性與有效性,最後並提出相關修正意見,希冀有助於我國建構一足以引導吾人走向食品安全真相彼岸之理性食品安全風險預防防護體系。


In recent years, Taiwan’s food market has been in a state of extreme instability. Various food safety incidents happened one after another. People are filled with suspicion and anxiety to the food provider and food market. This phenomenon is caused by illegal acts from the food businesses, or rather by unknown structured risks arising from environmental and industrial changes, technological developments as well as global trading. It shows that modern food safety issue has already extended from traditional idea of preventing danger to being precautious to the risk that would occur from food. Facing this change, the Taiwanese government only amended relevant food safety law in a fragmental and case-by-case faction when food safety incidents appear. Although this amendment made by Taiwanese government, had strengthened the food safety law, the frequency of occurrence of food safety incidents did not decrease significantly. This means that Taiwan’s food safety control system still remains in the idea of preventing danger and instead of being aware of risk precaution. Therefore, food safety system in Taiwan is subject to review and should be rebuilt. Food safety is not only a legal objective but also an important goal of our daily life; therefore, the aim of this thesis is to research how the government fulfills such a goal and how the rule of law principle in constitutional state will be affected. In addition, due to the characteristics of food safety risks, including such as complexity, high demand for professional knowledge, and uncertainty, risk precaution of food safety is a scientific mission that was not originally an legal issue. Therefore, the government needs to regulate the results of this mission and the executive power must enforce the regulation based on the guidance of the law in order to achieve the governmental obligation of risk precaution in food safety. Hence, government needs to establish risk-administrative law of food safety. On the other hand, after the regulation has been enforced, how the existing legal system will be changed and how basic human rights will be affected, is another issue that will require our attention. This thesis begins with the discussion of food safety issue. By understanding the significance of food safety, the production process of food, factors and characteristics of food problem, I explore legal elements associated with modern food safety mission and the difficulties we encounter during the mission. Secondly, the fact that food safety issue is closely connected to human’s basic daily demands is a universal fact; therefore, I refer to basic principles and traditional and new instruments of administrative regulation in the food law in the European Union law as well as Germany law. Moreover, I attempt to describe the fundamental legal structure of risk precaution in food safety field as a reference of reviewing Taiwan’s juridification of risk precaution of food safety. Furthermore, I analyze the theories, functions as well as limitations of traditional and new emerging of administrative regulatory instruments on the basic legal structure of food safety risk precaution. Next, I discuss the possibility of enforcing those instruments in risk precaution in the food safety field and how these instruments will affect the rule of law. Based on the context above, by observing Taiwan’s currently enforced risk precautionary measures in the food safety area, this thesis reviews rationalities and effectiveness of those administrative regulatory instruments and provide relevant amendatory suggestions. In this thesis, I intend to contribute to providing a rational legal structure of food safety risk precaution and direct Taiwan’s food safety control system to the precise direction that this thesis has concluded with.


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