  • 學位論文


Trust, Perceived Benefit and Risk, and Acceptance of Genetically Modified Food - An Application of Structural Equation Modeling

指導教授 : 傅祖壇
共同指導教授 : 張靜貞


基因改造食品是未來全球食品供應的趨勢,本研究使用中間模型分析民眾對基因改造食品的接受度,探討科技態度、科技知識、政府信任、藥廠信任、醫學專業信任、學術研究信任知覺利益、知覺風險與基因改造食品接受度之間的關係。 本研究以台灣地區居民為調查對象,利用「臺灣地區基因體意向調查與資料庫建置之規劃」取得1503個樣本,並採用結構方程模式進行兩階段的樣本資料分析。首先利用驗證性因素分析評估SEM測量模型,確立測量變項與潛在變項間的因素結構,再利用結構方程模式取向的路徑分析評估SEM統合模型,說明潛在變項的路徑關係,提出一個更完整的中間模型來解釋民眾對基改食品接受度的行為模式,並分析潛在變項間的直接與間接效果。 結果顯示政府信任與科技知識對知覺利益、知覺風險與基改食品接受度的影響最大,且對基改食品接受度的影響主要為直接效果,而間接效果則主要透過知覺風險中介;醫學專業信任雖然對基改食品接受度有負向的直接效果,但整體的影響並不顯著;科技態度對基改食品接受度的直接與間接效果皆不顯著,但對知覺利益與知覺風險具有顯著影響;藥廠信任與學術研究信任對知覺利益、知覺風險與基改食品接受度的影響皆不顯著;相較於知覺利益,知覺風險對基改食品接受度的直接效果與中介效果較大。


Genetically modified food (GMF) is the trend of global supplies of foods in the future. This study analyzed consumer acceptance toward GMF by using mediation model. We investigated the direct effects of attitude, knowledge, government trust, pharmaceutical factories trust, medical professionals trust, and academic researches trust on the acceptance of GMF, and the indirect effects those were mediated by perceived benefit and perceived risk. Data was collected by the investigative program of public attitude on GM in Taiwan and got a quota sample of 1503 Taiwan citizens. The postulated model was tested using two-stage structure equation modeling procedures. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to establish the factor structures between indicators and latent variables, and then used SEM Path analyses to find the well-fitting model and the effects between latent variables. Results indicated that government trust and knowledge played the most important role in shaping perceived benefit, perceived risk, and the acceptance of GMF. Their influences on the acceptance of GMF were mainly from the direct effect, and the indirect effects were mainly mediated by perceived risk. Medical professionals trust had negative direct effect on the acceptance of GMF, but the total effect on the acceptance of GMF was insignificant. Attitude had no influence on the acceptance of GMF, but was significantly linked with perceived benefit and perceived risk. Pharmaceutical factories trust and academic researches trust had no influence on perceived benefit, perceived risk, and the acceptance of GMF. Moreover, perceived risk exerted a greater effect on the acceptance of GMF than perceived benefit.


Alhakami, A.S. and P. Slovic,1994. “A Psychological Study of the Inverse Relationship Between Perceived Risk and Perceived Benefit,”Risk Analysis. 14(6):1085-1096.


