  • 學位論文


An MCDM Approach for the Evaluation of Technology Capability of Outsourcing :A Case of Automobile Industry

指導教授 : 柯承恩


國軍推展「國內產業自製能量評估」之目的,是評估委外生產承接機構之技術能力,是否足以自力(具關鍵性技術能量)、借力(藉國外技術移轉)開發國軍所需武器裝備系統,其結論良寙在決策過程中佔有舉足輕重的影響力;若低估國內產業自製能量,形成「外購」決策,則無法適時提升國內科技、經濟與就業水準;若高估而形成「內購」決策,當計畫執行成效不彰時,損失的巨額機會成本,仍須由全體納稅人承擔,加上海峽兩岸政軍經之平衡點變化快速,實讓人難以抉擇。 隨著國內產業製造能力逐漸達國際水準,國軍深感長期外購的趨勢,出現改善契機,日前國防部通令各單位規劃軍事投資案,必須先請經濟部工業局完成「國內產業自製能量評估」,惟執行將滿週年,無論是主管機關(經濟部、國防部)、需求單位(國軍各單位)、國內產業(公會、廠商)對評估報告內容的深廣度仍意見紛歧;究其原因,就是欠缺明確的評估準則與合理的評估模式。 本研究在學者既有研究基礎上,利用品質機能展開、統計分析、因子分析、層級分析法、能力成熟度、灰關聯分析等方法,從實務角度蒐集產、官、學界等專家經驗,建置「委外生產承接機構技術能力多準則評估模式」,並以國內五大汽車生產廠為例驗證之。 經實證後,確認本研究所建置的模式,具備(一)有效釐清評估準則(二)建立合理分析模式(三)賦予能力差異準繩(四)引進新思考方向等效益,可提供主管機關、需求單位、國內產業等三方相互溝通平台,俾利有意參與的廠商確認準備方向,讓需求單位知悉國內產業能力,使主管機關確實發揮決策效益,達到「國內產業自製能量評估」之聚焦目的,促國防資源充分發揮其經濟效益。


The purpose that military is promoting the “Domestic production capability assessment” is to evaluate the technical capability of outsourcing, hence determine whether or not they posses the critical tech-capability to produce on their own or able to produce the desired product through tech-transfer for the military need. The result of such matter is playing a great part during the decision making process. If the Domestic production capability is under-estimated, it will lead to the decision of importing the product and unable to elevate the nation’s technology, economy, and job level. When “in-land produce” is decided by over-estimation, all taxpayer will have to face the consequence if the plan doesn’t carry out as wanted. On the account that political, military, and economic balance is constantly changing cross the Taiwan Strait, it severely increases the difficulty when making decision. Taiwan military has sensed that the years of equipment import has come to the verge of change due to the Domestic production capability is reaching international standard. MND has commanded all units to put in the request of “Domestic production capability assessment” through Industry Bureau of Ministry of Economy when undergoing any military investments. However, after this year’s experience, there are still many different opinions to the contents of “Domestic production capability assessment”. It all comes to the facts of lacking adequate evaluation criteria and reasonable methods. This research is based upon existed research foundation. Using several methods, such as Quality Function Development, Statistic Analysis, Factor Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Capability Maturity, Gray Relational Analysis, and experts’ experiences from all fields it develops “An Multi-Criteria Decision Making(MCDM) Approach for the Evaluation of Technology Capability of Outsourcing” and is validated by an example of top 5 motor companies. After the validation, this research is recognized of clearing assessment criteria, processing reasonable analysis, setting differential standard, and leading to the new dimension of thinking. It helps the authorities, proposed units, industries to form a communication platform. It also aids the industry interested in taking part to determine the preparation direction. Units can familiarize with the Domestic production capability and authority can fully extend the decision effectiveness and focus on Taiwan’s production capability, hence allow the national defense resources act in its the best.


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