  • 學位論文


Disadvantaged Neighborhood as the field: Exploring Sense of Community and Experience of Collective Interaction of the Children Participating in the Organization

指導教授 : 張心潔


本研究以臺北市南萬華某一個社區的兒少鄰里組織作為主要田野場域,於2018年5月開始,透過參與組織,實地觀察、接觸在組織參與的一群「孩子」。本研究強調從孩子的主體性呈現其生活經驗,試圖描繪孩子在鄰里組織參與時的集體互動和社區感的經驗。基此,本研究將依序說明:這群孩子是誰?孩子們如何發展與鄰里社區的關係、又如何形塑社區感?而這份社區感對孩子個人而言,又具有什麼的影響? 過去臺灣對於兒童身心發展主要以家庭的社經地位等結構條件作為研究和政策思考,特別是共同生活在臺北都會的不同階層都享有都會化發展的結果。然而,隨著快速都市化和城市功能的變遷,南萬華成為弱勢族群的聚居地,同時促使不少鄰里社區或議題組織在此地落地生根。無可否認,在南萬華成長的「孩子」體驗當代都市化的過程中,具有多元複雜的環境空間與人際互動的交錯關係。 在研究的探究過程中發現,孩子們多是來自弱勢結構的家庭,但他們透過參與鄰里組織建立自己的資源、休閒活動與友誼網絡。而鄰里組織作為一個紮根在社區的場所,能夠提供孩子日常休閒之外,當中的社區工作者更嘗試與孩子「站在一起」的位置與角度,成為孩子生活中兼具鄰居、朋友和大人的角色,以尊重及自主的方式與孩子們一起面對生活周遭的大小事,從而建立孩子們反應與思考的「培力過程」,並反映在孩子個人的行為上,並從孩子之間和更廣闊的地區發展自己的友誼和認識社區周遭人物與環境。 孩子們逐步經歷社區與組織的社會連帶的互動過程,從而培養出屬於他們的、具有共同及集體特性的社區感,並體現在其對鄰里社區的行為與感受,呈現於他們的行為、人際互動與情緒反應之中,故探索這份社區感的形成將有助勾勒此族群的生活脈絡。


Social sciences have been focused about the effects of family’s socioeconomic status to children’s individual wellbeing in Taiwan over the past decade. However, the effects of neighborhood have not been closely examined, especially disadvantaged neighborhood. Sense of Community suggests that people feel more attracted to groups and settings (community, school and neighborhood) in which they feel belong to, in common, influential or powerful. Unfortunately, children have no voice or influence in many of the contexts in which they find themselves. The present study aims to explore the children’s experience collective interaction of social life in a poor, structurally disadvantaged neighborhood, taking account the feeling of sense of community through their participations in a neighborhood-based organization. Drawing on data from participatory observations in organization and in-depth interview among community organizers to better understand how the children construct their sense of community. The qualitative data were derived from a disadvantaged neighborhood in South of Wanhua, Taipei City. This article reports the following findings: (1) features of children who participate in the neighborhood; (2) experience when children interact together to form their sense of community; (3) the effects that their sense of community occurs. These findings suggest refinements to the children’s social life framework, but also provide foundational ideas for policy interventions that may improve the social lives of children in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Taiwan.


McMillan, D. W., & Chavis, D. M. (1986). Sense of community: A definition and theory. Journal of community psychology, 14(1), 6-23.
一、 中文期刊論文、碩博士論文及專書:
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