  • 學位論文


Community Ministry of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

指導教授 : 畢恆達 劉可強


宗教研究學者已發展「公共宗教」理論,以解釋歐美教會在政治或市民社會中的公共表現,諸如倡導人權和抵抗獨裁政權等。本文則試圖在更微小的社區層次,探討「台灣基督長老教會」堂會的「社區宣教」如何展現其公共性。為此,本文選擇既有的「社會運動理論」來作為分析工具,旨在探討社區宣教的形成背景、組織領導、知識生產、信徒動員、知識溝通,以及它所造成的結果。本研究以質性方法的非正式(深入)訪談,蒐集可解釋以上問題的經驗。 在長老教會的文化中,有兩股意識形態影響著堂會與牧師的宣教理念。其一,是「教會增長」意識形態,近年來尤受跨國福音經驗的鼓舞,使各地許多堂會紛紛檢討並複製該佈道策略。其二,是近年來本土神學的建構,偏受「社會關懷」意識形態的影響,遂形成「可結合社會改革」的宣教思維。然而,堂會作為推動社區宣教的「既有網絡」卻有時面臨人力和資源的動員阻礙,而仰賴牧師的領導。這些阻礙都突破之後,牧師也主導「集體行動框架」的知識生產過程,而為獲得社區共鳴,甚至「集體認同」,又運作了一些「創意戰術」或策略,如品牌認同、空間詮釋、有機栽培、另類進香團和跑公祭等。然而,這些運作背後卻需要資源和政治機會的支持。社區宣教也為堂會打造了新的地方關係,儘管他們還是可能面對既有社區勢力的競爭。於是他們會彼此珍惜,或展開「宗教對話」。因為這些關係的建立,有可能讓堂會發展更積極的召募信徒的機制。 事實上,經過這些討論之後,「上帝國」的景象還是很模糊。它可能是「大教會」的景象,也可能是一種公義、和平和喜樂的理想社會。釐清這「真相」似乎必須等到世界末日。因此,本文最主要的任務,與其是讓讀者看見理想,倒不如是提供一種瞭解社區宣教的方法。


This thesis attempts to discuss community ministry of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. The analysis is based on Casanova’s “Public Religion”, explains public performance acted by the European and American church in political or civil society. Therefore, I use the social movement theory as tool, for the purpose of discussing the background, leadership, knowledge production, mobilization of the congregation, communication and result. Thus, the informal interview took place for the purposes of data collection. Two kinds of ideology influence congregations and pastors' idea. Firstly, the “church growth” ideology, inspired by the transnationally evangelical movement, urges local congregations to examine and duplicate strategies to preach the Gospel. Secondly, the “social care” ideology has been constructing “the contextualizing theology” in order to participate in the social reform. However, the congregations as the preexistent network sometimes faced lack of manpowers and resources, and the pastors should make an effort. They also leaded the “collective action framing” as the process of knowledge production, and operated some “creative tactics” or strategies like brand creation, space interpretation and organic cultivation. Nevertheless, behind these operations actually needed resources and political opportunity. Community ministry has also created new local relations, although they possibly face some competition with local influences. They may love each other and even take "religious conversation". Because of these relational establishments, the congregations may develop recruitment. In fact, “the Kingdom of God” is too hard to figure.It possibly is the "Big Church", or an ideal society full of justice, peace and joy. No researchers will make really sense until “end of the world”. So, this is just a method for understanding.




黃清立(2017)。以詮釋現象學分析法為進路理解地方教會的宣教動力發展─ 以台南大光教會與林子內教會為個案研究〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0015-1407201713174000
