  • 學位論文


The Influence of Organizational Structure and In-Group Favoritism on Communication Quality and Teamwork-An Example of Volunteer Groups in Tzu Chi Fundation

指導教授 : 洪英正 張雍昇


本研究主題在於探討組織結構化、內團體偏私對溝通品質、團隊合作影響之研究。利用文獻探討與實證方式,針對慈濟基金會慈誠、委員志工進行調查,期透過本研究,找出影響溝通品質、團隊合作之因素、不同人口統計變項與慈誠和委員志工溝通品質、團隊合作之關係,以提供管理單位提升志工溝通品質、團隊合作之參考。 胡聖慧(2002)研究發現,即主管與部屬內團體關係愈佳,溝通品質越好。黃敏萍(2000)研究結果顯示,若部門主管間彼此存在情感性之關係,則團隊不需使用高的正式化與標準化,也能獲致良好的團隊合作效能。 本研究採問卷調查法,針對慈濟基金會之慈誠、委員志工,進行便利抽樣調查,有效問卷共502 份。經過因素分析、集群分析與分群後,本研究將組織結構化區分為「有機型組織」與「機械型組織」二組;內團體偏私區分為「情感性偏私」、「類別化偏私」與「情感類別兼具」三組。研究結果顯示如下: 1.不同組織結構化、內團體偏私之志工團體在溝通品質、團隊合作會有顯著差異。 2.不同組織結構化之志工團體在溝通品質會有顯著差異。 3.志工團體之組織結構化、內團體偏私對溝通品質、團隊合作有顯著影響。 4.志工團體之組織結構化、內團體偏私對溝通品質會有顯著影響。 5.志工團體之組織結構化對溝通品質會有顯著影響。 6.志工團體之內團體偏私對溝通品質會有顯著影響。 7.志工團體之內團體偏私對團隊合作會有顯著影響。 8.不同人口統計變項之志工在織結構化、內團體偏私、溝通品質、團隊合作會有所差異。


This research emphasizes at how do organizational structure, in-group favoritism influence volunteers’ communication quality and teamwork. By literature exploring and using empirical survey methods with the volunteer groups in Tzu Chi Fundation , we investigate variables that affect the communication quality and teamwork , and various relationships among demographic variables, communication quality and teamwork.This research enhances the management ability of increasing volunteers’ communication quality and teamwork which is very important today. Husheng Hui (2002) found that the relationship between supervisors and subordinates within the groups the better, the better the quality of communication. Min-Ping Huang (2000) study showed that, if there is an emotional transaction of their mutual relationship or social relations of solidarity, the team without the use of high formalization and standardization can also caused good team performance. This research adopts the convenient questionnaire survey and the samples are volunteers of Tzu Chi Fundation. The valid samples are 502 volunteers. After factor analysis and cluster analysis, we divide the samples on organizational structure into two groups “Organic-type organization” and “Mechanical-type organization”, and by grouping technique we divide the samples on in-group favoritism into two groups “expressive in-group favoritism ” and “categorized in-group favoritism”, and “mixed group” . The main results showed as follows: 1.There are significant differences in communication quality and teamwork of the volunteers by different organizational structure and in-group favoritism. 2. organizational structure and in-group favoritism of volunteers causes significant impacts on communication quality and teamwork. 3.Volunteers’ with different demographic variables will have some significant differences in the organizational structure , in-group favoritism , communication quality and teamwork.


石晁驊、劉碧琴、湯大緯(2009)。 授權賦能認知與LMX對工作績效的影響研究。興國學報,10,59-68。
