  • 學位論文


Design and Development of a Web-Based Course for Mainland Chinese Spouse -A Case of Real-Life and Practical Taiwanese

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


伴隨著全球化的腳步加速以及兩岸交流頻繁,使國人與大陸人士通婚之情形日漸增加。截至2005年年底陸續來台的大陸配偶已逾廿三萬人,成為新興移入人口的主流。諸多大陸配偶在台灣生活適應問題的相關研究報告與實際經驗顯示,語言不通與文化差異,造成了在台生活適應的礙難,大陸配偶因不懂台語,存在溝通的問題。為此,政府為謀求因應對策,建構多元照顧輔導措施,各教育機構更開辦生活適應輔導班、成教班等。經政府相關公部門調查結果顯示,尚不足因應普遍需求,也顯示成效不彰。探究其原因,教學內容不符學習者期待,上課時間與地點無法配合,缺乏教育資源整合等因素所致。因此規劃符合大陸配偶學習需求之課程是未來重要的課題。 本研究目的在探討設計適用於大陸配偶學習需求之網路課程,並透過分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑的教學設計流程來進行規劃。本研究具體提出「大陸配偶生活實用台語網路課程」之教學設計應用範例與經驗,藉以提供其它相關課程設計者參考之用。根據前述之研究結果發現,大陸配偶散居各地,網路課程有其需求性,唯純網路之課程規劃易造成中輟學習,而以混成模式進行規劃,將面對面實體課程、網路自學教材、網路課程管理平台等構面進行整合,可提供學習者兼具效率與效益的學習經驗,同時亦為部分較習慣或偏好選擇傳統面授方式的學習者,在面臨網路學習潮流蓬勃發展與衝擊之際,提供另一折衷之道。


Globalization and frequent trading with Mainland China had made more and more Taiwanese men marry Mainland China women. The population of the Mainland Chinese spouse has been over 230,000 in Taiwan until the end of 2005. The researches about the adaptation of Mainland Chinese spouse in Taiwan showed that the cultural differences and the barrier to communicate made the Mainland Chinese spouse hard to adapt the new life in Taiwan, especially Taiwanese language which they couldn’t understand. Therefore, our government had a policy to solve the current problems which includes some counseling classes. The researches from the government showed that the policy for the bad adaptation of Mainland Chinese spouse was not appropriate. The reason why the policy didn’t work is that the content of teaching, the class schedule and the location of the class couldn’t match their needs, also lacking of integrating with teaching resources. Hence, it is important to set up a learning scheme for the Mainland Chinese spouse. This research aims to design the online courses for the Mainland Chinese spouse by using analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation in the classes. The research elaborates some exemplifications of Mainland Chinese Spouse Real-Life and Practical Taiwanese courses to provide other researcher as some references. It was shown that the Mainland Chinese spouse live in different places in Taiwan, Therefore, the online courses are necessary. But, it was easy to break down the online learning, so a blended learning is used to solve the problem.This research integrates online self-learning materials, real classes and online courses web-sites to provide the learners more efficient and beneficial learning experiences. It is also a good way for the traditional learners who prefer to have a class in real-life while the online learning is more and more prosperous.


