  • 學位論文


Examining Taiwan’s Media Reform Movements: A Study from the Perspective of Citizenship

指導教授 : 魏玓


本論文從完整公民權的角度討論台灣媒體改革運動,分析台灣媒體改革運動所訴求的權利關係及其對台灣媒體環境的意涵。公民權利代表的是公民參與社會的基本權利,而公民權的概念發展至今,已有學者提出「文化公民權」概念以補充之,認為保障人民接近使用物質與符號資源的權利,才能使每個公民能夠平等地參與社會。這正突顯出媒體改革運動的重要性,基於這項認識,本文以公民權觀點切入分析台灣媒體改革運動。 本論文嘗試兼顧台灣媒體改革運動的論述和理論預設,以及其政經歷史條件的分析。因此,首先探討過去二十餘年台灣社會運動的整體概況與歷史,及其與政經背景、社會生態變化過程之間的關係。再由歷史角度分析台灣媒體生態的變化,以及媒體改革運動的生成過程和特徵。接著,回到抽象層次,以公民權概念的視野分析台灣媒體改革運動的訴求,及其隱含的媒體改革想像。並且指出文化權可以充實台灣媒體改革運動的內涵,彌補新自由主義意識形態對公民平等參與公共事務的傷害。最後,試著提出文化權的可行性及應用方式,檢討國家、市場與媒體改革間的關係,繪製台灣媒體改革運動的新藍圖。


The thesis examines Taiwan’s media reform movements from the perspective of citizenship and aims to illustrate the difference of the rights the various media reform groups strive for and its implications on Taiwan’s media environment. Citizenship is the basic right to enable every citizen participating social and political process equally and actively. While cultural citizenship is to ensure people accessing symbol and material recourses to fulfill that end. That demonstrates not only the importance of media reform but also an examination of media reform movements from the perspective of citizenship. The thesis combines and connects the analysis of the discourse publicized by some major media reform movement groups in Taiwan with their political economic and social backgrounds. Therefore, the thesis firstly reviews the relationship between Taiwan’s social movements at large and the shifts of Taiwan’s political economic environment in the past twenty years. Secondly, the history of the transformations of Taiwan’s media environment and the media reform movements are examined, which can provide the contextual explanation of the formation of different media reform appeals. Thirdly, by the use of related theories of citizenship, the thesis analyzes the discourse and its ideology proposed by different media reform groups. The thesis finally concludes that the concept and practice of cultural rights, which was originally to supplement with the constituents of citizenship, can also fulfill and reinforce Taiwan’s media reform movements and contrast with the reactionary nature of currently fashionable neo-liberalist ideology, which recognizes public only as consumers. The application of the concept of cultural rights can help to redraw the blueprint of Taiwan’s media reform movement and achieve its ultimate goal.


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