  • 學位論文


A Research of Consumer Behavior in Smartphone Functionality

指導教授 : 楊維楨
共同指導教授 : 婁國仁(Kuo-Ren Lou)


由於經濟衰退導致消費者需求低迷,2009年手機全球整體銷售萎縮近 10%,智慧型手機出貨量卻仍一枝獨秀,2010年更是大放異彩的佔全球手機出貨量的兩成,欠缺智慧型手機產品線、嚴重依賴功能型手機的品牌成為這一波智慧型手機狂潮的最大輸家。 智慧型手機的普及率在台灣已有將近四成的市佔率,在市場蓬勃發展之際,豐富的產品功能不見得能打動所有的消費者,本研究的目的是在市場競爭激烈的環境下,找出不同區隔市場消費者所重視智慧型手機產品功能需求並據以擬定行銷策。透過消費者使用產品頻率導入因素分析找出關鍵集群因素做出適當的三個區隔群體(理性效率群、享樂主義群和行動金融群),並以人口統計變數以及消費行為萃取各集群特色,然後以卡方分析及單變量分析針對上述區隔市場進行需求差異分析最後,依分析結果列出各區隔市場產品功能設計重點。研究結果顯示,智慧型手機市場可區隔為4個不同的消費族群。而不同消費族群,對於智慧型手機之功能需求也不盡相同。在產品設計時,可依據不同區隔消費者的需求,提供不同之優先加強設計重點。


In 2009, the economic crisis caused the consumer demand reduced significantly, the worldwide handsets demand reduced to almost 10% YoY. However, smartphone represents totally different growth over handset shipment. Smartphone increases its share to 20% in total handset shipment in 2010. Any top OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) who rely on feature phones who did not develop smartphone are losing their market shares. In Taiwan, smartphone population is approaching 40%. While the market is growing rapidly, the enriched functionality may not desirable all the consumers. The purpose of this re-search is to study a way how to find the individual segments from functionality perspective and to figure out a method to define marketing strategy. This research has collected 306 questionnaires, utilized the data of usage frequency to reduce the factors by SPSS and define appropriate three groups. By using those groups to ac-commodate static population to outline the consumers’ lifestyle. Then reduce the factors of importance of functionality to four groups to analyze what the relationship is between four groups of functions vs. three groups of lifestyle. According to the result, smartphone market segment can be divided into four segments. Each group of consumers has different demands on smartphone functionalities.


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