  • 學位論文


The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Taiwanese Small and Medium Enterprises

指導教授 : 林長青


德國於2011年4月在漢諾瓦工業博覽會提出了「工業4.0」為產業界的發展方向指出了一個方向,而後世界各主要國家跟進提出各自的產業發展政策,全球製造產業將往智慧自動化製造的大方向發展,全球的產業供應鏈勢必重新進行排列組合。台灣中小型製造業以代工模式曾經創造台灣的經濟奇蹟,然而面對未來的產業環境,需要產、官、學各界共同深思未來產業發展的策略,並致力凝聚各界的共識與激發出轉型與升級的動能,方能一掃經濟低迷的陰霾,保持全球產業供應鏈的競爭優勢。 本研究藉由相關文獻的蒐集與分析,首先探討「工業4.0」的形成背景與內容,同時探討支撐「工業4.0」發展的資通訊科技的項目與內容,分析未來發展的可能性。隨後,鑑於現今是全球化競爭的環境,台灣不可能自外其中,遂接續探討世界主要國家的產業發展政策方向,以及對於中小企業的政策引導與支持,做為後續探討的參考。最後,針對台灣的中小型製造業的現況,應用「孫子兵法」的「五事」:道、天、地、將、法做為策略思考的架構,循序探討了在企業願景、市場及產業發展的趨勢、因應策略的形成、人力資源、組織及作業流程等面向上的相關議題,並於其中佐以實際案例做為補充以增加可信度。 台灣的中小型製造業於現況面臨了自2008年來的經濟低迷陰霾,同時中國的紅色供應鏈也威脅台灣在全球產業供應鏈上的地位,到了不得不有所轉變的時機,本研究建議台灣的中小型製造產業應積極、穩健的進行轉型、升級、創新的相關活動,在資訊產業方面可以藉由自行車A-Team的經驗進行異質聯盟發展完整工業4.0方案,創造出更高的附加價值。而傳統製造產業方面則可透過資通訊科技的協助進行升級並持續強化競爭力,貼近客戶並發掘潛在需求,創造更高的附加價值。


Since Germany announced the “Industry 4.0” at Hannover Messe in Arpil 2011, after Germany the adnvanced countries also announced their national industry development strategy and policy for enhancing their international industry competititveness. The intelligent and automaic manufacturung is a clear industry development direction among all advanced countries, and the present structure of industry supply chain will be broken and then rebuild a new one. In the past, Taiwanese small and medium manufacturing industry made a success high and fast economy growth by sub-contract manufacturing during 1970 to 2000, but it’s gone. For facing the future challenges, Taiwanness Govement and Industry and Academic need to deeply consider together and make a national industry development strategy to combind each other for leading Taiwan to create another high economy growth as well as maintain the position and competitiveness in the internation industry supply chain. In this study, the first, we collect and analys related literatures of industry 4.0 and related information and communication technologies, to understand the context and make sure the development possibility in the future. The second, because we are in global competition, so we also collect and analys the advanced countries’ industry development strategy and policy including the United State, Germany, China, Japen, South Korea to be a refernce for understanding what they are doing and what we need to do form now on. Finally, for making a strategy to the impact of industry 4.0, we refer to a structure which from “The art of war”: “VISION”, “TREND”, “SITUATION”, “SOUL”, and “ORGANIZATION and PROCESS” to discuss related factors with real cases which can be an evidence for reliablility. Taiwanese small and medium manufacturing industry now is in a very bad economy situation because the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the huge competition and impact from China in the international industry supply chain. Everyone have got to think different for industry development in the future and to do right thing form now on. We suggest that Taiwanese small and medium manufacturing industry should be positive, steady to do transformation, upgrading, and innovation. For IT manufacturing, based on a successful A-Team experience from bicycle manufacturing industry, can combine different industry to create a completed industry 4.0 solution to create more additional value. For traditional manufacturing industry, can apply the ICT solution to upgrade yourself continually and closer customers to discover potential demands for create more additional value.


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