  • 學位論文


Japan Travel and Theme Park Marketing:Tokyo Disney Resort and Universal Studios Japan for Example.

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


關東地區的王者東京迪士尼樂園於1983年開幕,在開業第二年1984年的入園人數即超過1000萬人,之後入園人數逐年成長,於2014年人數超越過往,創下3137萬人次、2015年3019萬人。東京迪士尼樂園及海洋樂園每年重遊客超越九成,藉由眾所皆知的電影卡通人物、先進的動畫技術、配樂、行銷宣傳、完善的員工訓練等,,讓顧客知覺價值及滿意度高居不下,每次遊玩都有不同的感動,這就是為什麼東京迪士尼樂園可以把一般遊客變成忠誠顧客、創造3137萬人的入園人數之主因。 關西的大阪環球影城現今也是許多遊客稱讚的主題遊樂園。2001年開幕即創下1102萬人的紀錄,但是翌年一下掉落只剩764萬人,之後入園人數一直沒太大變化,大約人數都在700-900萬人間浮動。但從2011年開始入園人數逐年奇蹟般地呈現V字型向上攀升。2015年上半期入園人數和前年同期相比增加了18%,創下了開園至今最高紀錄。由於增設了許多新設施而使人氣上漲,例如「哈利波特」設施的導入,讓回流客耳目一新。另外還導入日本火紅人氣動畫、漫畫、遊戲等設施,更讓環球影城如虎添翼。雖然環球影城門票從2014年為止連續上漲6年,但因為顧客滿意度高,所以人氣壓過了東京迪士尼樂園。 本論文以研究東京迪士尼樂園及大阪環球影城的行銷策略,以觀光供給面的角度,包括觀光據點吸引力、服務設施、交通運輸、旅遊資訊及促銷宣傳等五個面向,來瞭解如何創造回流客、顧客滿意度等,相輔相成形成成功的觀光地區,並期望可成為台灣發展觀光的借鏡。


Tokyo Disneyland was the first to be built outside the United States, and it opened on 15 April 1983. In the following year, visitors were over ten million. In 2014, Tokyo Disneyland hosted over 31.4 million visitors, making it the world's second-most visited theme park. Disney has been instilling a belief sense that they are a dreamland — a place people will seek to return to again and again — in their visitors . It is amazing that is about 80 percent of Tokyo Disneyland’s visitors are repeat customers. The successful positioning of the theme park made it attract many visitors and boost its business in the park. Its marketing strategy also worked well with target tourists. All these have brought it great revenue and reputation. As a result, it has been able to build new facilities to attract repeat tourists. Universal Studios Japan was opened on March 31, 2001. And Over 11 million guests visited the park in its opening year. But, after that Universal Studios Japan has had only approximately 8 million visitors every year until a its marketing strategy. Two main changes were in their marketing. One was , instead of those adults who love films, they started to target children as well. They introduced playgrounds mainly for children. In addition, a roller coaster that could travel backward was an initiative. The strategy proved successful. The other is was to use the main characters of Harry Potter to promote. All of the above changes made Universal Studios Japan succeed. By analyzing the marketing strategies of Tokyo Disneyland and Universal Studios Japan, we hope Taiwan’s tourism can be benefited.


1. 徐振興、黃甄玉(2005)﹤產品訊息疑似置入電視偶像劇之研究﹥,《中華傳播學刊》卷期8,頁65-114。
2. 黃淑鈴(2016)﹤地點置入:地方政府影視觀光政策的分析﹥,《新聞學研究》,1月號,頁1-46。
