  • 學位論文


The Influence of Personal Perception of Organizational Politics and the Organizational Justice on Employees’ Working Behavior –– A Case of Military Institute

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 吳淑華


長久以來特勤人員被賦予神秘的色彩,強調以任務為優先,置個人死生於度外,主管與部屬間需維繫著同舟一命不可分割的濃厚革命情感,一旦此一情感破裂,想要在領導者與部屬之間建立及維持密切配合的關係,並不是一件容易的事。台灣自解嚴以來,政治開放、自由對特勤人員之主從關係亦是一大挑戰,本研究主要目的是探討特勤人員的個人政治知覺、組織公平的認知對主管領導型態、領導效能及組織承諾等構面的影響,以尋求方法來弭補主管與部屬因個人政治知覺及組織公平認知導致情感破裂所帶來的管理危機。 本研究以國內特勤人員為主,問卷樣本選取以便利抽樣法進行,依各單位總人數40%發放,共發出400份問卷,有效回收問卷339份,佔總問卷數84.75%,本研究資料統計係採用SPSS For Windows軟體,以描述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、多變量變異數分析、迴歸分析、羅吉斯迴歸分析、卡方檢定等方式進行量化驗證。 由研究資料之統計分析,獲得下列主要結論: 一、特勤人員個人政治知覺及組織公平認知會顯著影響其對主管領導型態之認知。 二、特勤人員個人政治知覺及組織公平認知對其組織承諾及領導效能有顯著影響。 三、特勤人員個人政治知覺與組織公平認知,會透過主管領導型態之中介效果來影響其組織承諾及領導效能。 四、在領導型態的矩陣組合中,主管表現出「高體恤、高結構」的領導型態對特勤人員的組織承諾及其領導效能影響最大。


Special agents have been labeled secret mission for a long time and have to prioritize their mission and never think about their personal death and live. There is a very deep and inseparable relationship between supervisors and subordinates. As their relationship breaks, it will become very hard to rebuild and maintain communion. Political freedom and openness is some kind of large challengees for special agents, particular on the relationship between leader and employees since of the government in Taiwan declared martial law ended. The main purpose of this research is to discuss effects of special agents’ personal perception of organizational politics and organizational justice on the attitude of their supervisors’ leadership styles, leadership effectiveness, and organizational commitment, and also looks for the ways of compensation for the management crisis of broken relationship. This research focuses on the special agents. Samples were selected by the way of convenient sampling. The questionnaires were sent out to 40% members in each unit, And finally we got 400 questionaires. The effective number were 339, The ratio is 84.75% of totally questionaires. The research data were based on SPSS for Windows software and using methods of descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one way ANOVA, MANOVA, regression analysis, logistic regression and Chi-Square etc. Based on the results, the conclusions are as following: 1. Special agents’ personal perception of organizational politics and organizational justice, have significant influence on their recognition of supervisors’ leadership style. 2. Special agents’ personal perception of organizational politics and organizational justice, have significant influence on their recognition of organizational commitment and supervisors’ leadership effectiveness. 3. Special agents’ personal perception of organizational politics and organizational justice have significant influence on their recognition of organizational commitment and supervisors’ leadership effectiveness by the moderator of supervisors’ leadership they perceived. 4. Among the matrix of combinations of supervisors’ leadership style, “high consideration and high structure”would be the one which influence most on special agents’ organizational commitment and their supervisors’ leadership effectiveness.


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