  • 學位論文


Study on the Business Strategy Formulation for Hypermarket -A case study on TESCO in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林志鴻 賴錦璋


台灣地區於1989年引進第一家量販店「萬客隆(Makro)」,正式開啟民眾購物走向「自助式、低價位、一次購足」的大型化賣場時代,經過16年來的發展台灣地區量販店市場已朝大者恆大的寡占競爭發展,業者也走向大型化、連鎖化、國際合作的經營型態. 本研究是以台灣地區量販店的發展現況,來探索企業競爭策略形成要素與策略關係之研究,目的是希望透過個案公司的使命陳述,進行其內部環境要素評估及外部環境要素評估,歸納出策略形成之重要相關因素,據以制訂其競爭策略,並期望能提供有用的知識給予量販店相關產業參考。本研究採取探索性的個案研究法,透過國內外相關文獻探討和次級資料的蒐集,經由本研究之探討,歸納結論如下: 一、在企業使命陳述下,內部環境評估要素及外部環境評估要素為其競爭策略形成之重要考量因素。就個案公司而言,內部環境評估要素為其企業之重要無形資產,根據分析後個案公司最大的優勢為服務價值優勢,個案公司應該善用這項優勢以達成公司目標。 二、本研究在個案公司之使命陳述下,分析評估其內部環境、外部之產業競爭環境及總體環境,歸納出其競爭策略形成要素圖,當個案公司綜合考量三大環境各要素重點,將有助於其策略形成,可作為該公司特定競爭策略制訂定與修正參考。 三、經過內部環境、外部環境及總體環境的評估後,個案公司的競爭策略為:策略聯盟合併模式。


The first hypermarket— Makro, were introduced to Taiwan in 1989. set a milestone for the new era of the populace shopping trend "self-service, low price, get all you need in one store". The hypermarket in Taiwan has developed for 16 years.Recently, the industry presents a model of large-scale and internationalization. This study concentrates on the current development of hypermarket in Taiwan with emphasis on the relationship between business strategy formulation factors and strategies so as to assess the internal environmental factors and external environmental factors through the mission statement of the target company; and thus summarizes the critical factors related to the strategy formulation, thereby initiating business strategies and presenting the findings to the hypermarket providers. Making use of the explosive case study method, this study has studied the related archives comprehensively, and collected secondary data extensively with findings as follows: 1.With the business mission statement, the internal environmental assessment factors and external environmental assessment factors are critical for business strategy formulation. As to the target company, the most valuable competence of internal environmental is the service,which is the main strength to achieve the goals of target company. 2.With the mission statement, this study has assessed the internal and externalcompetitive environment of the target company together with the macro environmental factors so as to summarize the business strategy formulation factor diagram. The three environmental key factors are sufficient for the target company to formulate its business strategies so as to initiate and modify its specific business strategies. 3.After internal environmental assessment, industrial environmental assessment and external environmental assessment,the target company’s competition strategy is : strategic alliance and amalgamation mode .


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