  • 學位論文


Social Capital and Democracy: The Case Study of Taiwan

指導教授 : 林聰吉


「社會資本」在近幾年已成為社會學界的熱門概念,其影響涉及社會學、經濟學、政治學和管理科學等諸多領域。本文主要著重於社會資本的政治面向,從國家整體角度切入,探討其與台灣民主發展的關係。利用「東亞民主化與價值變遷:比較調查」研究計畫資料,本文主要研究問題為:(一)台灣社會資本分佈情形?社會網絡參與數量與類型比例?社會網絡參與及政治討論頻率?以及社會信任的程度?(二)社會網絡的數量及類型與社會信任的關係?(三)社會資本的政治效果?對民主支持、政治效能感與政治參與影響程度為何? 研究結果發現,台灣在2001年的社會資本並不豐沛,社會網絡參與度不僅未達五成,且網絡政治討論頻率十分低迷。網絡類型中以宗教團體及閒話家常所占比例最高,政治團體及在商業或金錢來往類型居末。在社會信任部分則有下滑趨勢。其次,對於社會網絡與社會信任之間關係,研究發現社團參與數量及類型與信任之間存有顯著關聯性。最後,在社會資本政治效果面向,發現社會網絡參與數量和類型確實有助於提升內在政治效能感及政治參與,而社會信任對民主支持與外在效能感有顯著功效。然而,團體類型中的職業團體對民主支持呈現負相關,顯示社團參與對民主並非皆為正面效果。結論指出,欲解決台灣目前政治窘境,唯有累積豐厚社會資本,塑造良好的政治文化與培養積極成熟的民主公民,台灣新興的民主政體才能進一步深化與鞏固。


More recently, the concept of social capital has become one of the most widely discussed topics in the field of sociology. Not only does the concept of social capital have a profound effect on sociology, but it invokes a broad research and application in the areas of politics, economics, and management. This study focuses on the political aspect of social capital. The purpose of this thesis is an understanding, from the entire viewpoint of the country, of the relationship between social capital and the development of democracy in Taiwan. The data come from the East Asia Barometer. This study is intended to explore the following research questions as: (1) What is the current distribution of social capital in Taiwan? What is the participation amount of social network? What types of social network? What is the frequency of political discussion? What is the degree of social trust? (2) What is the relationship between social trust and the amount of social network? What is the relationship between social trust and the types of social network? (3) What is the political effect of social capital? What is the influence of political effect of social capital on democratic support, political efficacy, and political participation? This study reveals that it is evident that Taiwan has a relatively low degree of social capital in 2001. About the relative low level of social capital, two matters are clear: first, the participation of social network is less than 50 percent of the whole population; second, it is the low frequency of online political discussion. Among the types of network, religious society and online chatting enjoy high level of participation than others. Political and commerce groups have the lowest participation. In terms of social trust, it shows that there is a recent trend of decline. Then, as for the relationship between social capital and social network, this study demonstrates that the amount and type of participating groups and social trust are of significantly related. At last, with the political respect of social capital, this study shows that the amount and type of social network have the ability to enhance the internal political efficacy and political participation. Besides, social trust has significant effect on democratic support and external political efficacy. However, there is a negative correlation relationship between occupational groups and democratic support. This result displays that group participation, Taiwan as an example, does not always generate positive effect in the process democracy development. In summary, these findings suggest that one possible way to resolve the political dilemmas currently happened in Taiwan would be to increase the level of social capital. A better accumulation of social capital has the ability to generate positive political culture and cultivate developed democracy in Taiwan.


2006,〈政治功效意識的行動效果(1998 - 2003)〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,第3卷第2期,頁119-158。


