  • 學位論文

你在玩工作還是工作玩了你? 探討電視劇製作人的工作心態

Do you play with work, or the work playing with you? Exploring the work mindset of TV drama producers

指導教授 : 陳儒修


台灣有線頻道眾多加上網路普及發達,收視廣告競爭激烈更勝以往,導致整個媒體市場產出收益粥多僧少,為降低支出風險,自製戲劇數量相對緊縮,儘管本地產業萎縮混亂,筆者卻極少聽說資深電視工作者轉換跑道或完全淡出媒體的消息,到底媒體產業具有甚麼樣的吸引力,讓能夠讓人即使在其中受挫也不輕易退縮;本研究將研究範圍限縮於媒體產業中的影視戲劇製作人,主要探究媒體產業對於戲劇資深製作人的從業的吸引力、工作心態以及資深製作人與產業環境互動後,對於工作心態的轉變與前後觀照。 本研究將援引馬克思・韋伯(Max Weber)的新教倫理理論來探究個案訪談的影視戲劇製作人的工作宗教觀;以布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的場域習態與文化資本來探究製作人如何在工作環境中與人際及社會關係作整體的互動;再來,提出近年流行於行銷商學領域的新趨勢──遊戲化(Gamification)來探討其實早已存在於製作人場域的工作遊戲化概念。 本研究將採用個案分析法來作為研究的主要方法,以深度訪談的方式了解五位資深影視戲劇製作人的職涯生命史,並試圖了解五位受訪者在其工作轉折點中之心理狀態及其當下對環境的看法;最後,再跳脫受訪者的主觀情境,以客觀的分析整合來探究,希冀藉由個案分析方法,來達到以媒體產業環境探討影視戲劇製作人的工作心態之研究目的。


Because of the popularity of Taiwan's cable channels and Internet access, the competition for viewing ads profit is fiercer than in the past. To reduce the risk of spending, the number of self-made dramas is relatively tight. Although the domestic TV industry is shrinking, I seldom heard that senior TV workers changing their career path or completely fading out of the media. What kind of attraction does the media industry have, so that media professionals won’t quit even if they are frustrated? This study limits the scope of research and focuses on the television drama producers. The purpose of study is to explore what the media industry's attraction to the senior producers and the interaction of their work mindset between them and the industrial environment, and how they change their work mindset before and after. This study will cite Max Weber's Protestant ethics theory to explore the “work as religion” attitude of television producers in case interviews. And it will then explore the producers interacting with their interpersonal and social relationships in the work environment through Pierre Bourdieu's field behavior and cultural capital. Finally, this study proposes the theory of Gamification to explore the concept of work gamification that already exists in the producer's field. This study will use case analysis as the main method of research, through in-depth interviews to understand the life history of five senior film and television drama producers, the psychological state of the five respondents in their turning points of work and his/her current view of the environment. Finally, by analyzing interview results and case studies, we can achieve the research goal of understanding the work mindset of television drama producers in the media industry.


于曉等 譯(2008)。《新教倫理與資本主義精神》。台北:左岸文化。
