  • 學位論文


The study of the correspondent with modern architecture and environmental context

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


有機建築學派的黑林(Hugo Häring)、夏隆(Hans Scharoun)認為,建築必須於基地環境長出來,它反映地景、日月星辰、自然材料、動植物、生活與場所及時間的轉移、它的鄰居。也就是說,建築應依循自然機制尋求設計脈絡,使建築取得與自然環境平衡且相容,是未來發展的重要模式。 20世紀建物極力追求純粹功能與理性之思維,加上建築設備出現,在功能效益極大化的理念追求下,建築忽略了環境差異及人類自我導向的過剩思維,導致建築與自然環境的脫節,使建築順應環境之觀念拋於腦後,犧牲自然環境之價值。因此,建築依循環境而生是現今之重要課題。 本研究針對20世紀之現代建築,以「誘導式結構理論」為操作方法,透過探討生態議題、永續議題、空間環境議題、自然議題等相關議題,整合歸納出43項建築對應環境的歸結要點,並進一步將43項原則,分類出建築對應環境之六大方向:「因勢利導的順應」、「綠色的複層多樣性」、「流動連續的彈性空間」、「回應自然的構築」、「合乎減量、再生、再利用、恢復的原則」與「自然元素的轉化與互動變化」。以六大方向43項原則作為檢視標準,針對萊特的「落水山莊」、科比意的「薩伏瓦別墅」、密斯的「范士沃斯住宅」,及蔡仁惠的「綠色生態小屋」,四位設計師的作品,各別分析其運用設計對應自然環境的建築手法,最終,提出後續從事建築對應環境設計的參考建議。


Hugo Häring and Hans Scharoun are pioneers of organic architecture. They believed that the architecture must come from the environment and reflect the landscapes, the heavenly bodies, the natural materials, the animals and plants, the life and place, the change of time and the neighbors. In other words, the architecture must follow the natural system to search for design network. Allowing the architecture to achieve a balanced and accommodated natural environment will be the important model for future development. In the 20th century, the architects have given every effort to seek pure function and rational thoughts. With the development of architecture facilities, the architecture has ignored the environment difference and human’s excessive self-directed thoughts due to the concept of function and profit maximization. This has resulted in a disconnection between architecture and natural environment. The idea of following nature was disregarded and the value of natural environment has been sacrificed. Indeed, the concept of “the architecture must be taken in accordance with the environment” has become an important lesson nowadays. Based on the “Heuristic Structure”, this study has concluded 43 key points of architecture in correspondence to the environment through the discussion of the topics related to the ecology, sustained environment, space environment and nature. In addition, the 43 key points were categorized into 6 major principles including “giving judicious guidance according to circumstances”, the “green diversity”, the “consecutive flexible space”, “constructing building according to nature”, the “principles of decrement, renewal, reuse and recovery” and the “transformation and interactive change of natural elements”. These key points were also taken as standard to analyze the architecture designs in correspondence with natural environment from the works of three masters of architecture, which include Wright’s “Falling Water”, Le Corbusier’s “Villa Savoy” , Smith’s “Farnsworth House” and. Tsai, Jen-Hui’s “Green House”.Finally, the recommendations were given for future architecture development in correspondence to the environment design.


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