  • 學位論文

供應商夥伴關係與e化程度對供應商績效之影響 ─ 以某顯示器製造商之供應商為例

The Impact of Supplier Partnerships and E_business Level on Supplier Performance - take a monitor suppliers as subject

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


摘 要 本研究從供應商的觀點探討合作夥伴在強化夥伴關係時,是否需要先考量彼此在關鍵要素上的認知程度,進而才是彼此關係行為之發展及績效之確認。因此,本研究旨在以「認知→行為→績效」的模式進行實證研究,而且導入e化程度對此模式的干擾效應,及供應商屬性的前趨效應。以某顯示器個案公司的供應商為研究主體,總共回收122份有效問卷,運用相關分析、多因子變異數分析、複迴歸分析、二因子變異數分析、典型相關分析等方法進行實證研究,研究結果證實: 1. 夥伴關係程度與供應商績效呈現顯著正相關 「關係認知」及「關係涉入與整合」均與「供應商績效」呈現顯著正相關。亦即,供應商透過其「關係認知」程度及「關係涉入與整合」程度的提昇,將能有效提昇其可靠度、價格競爭力、快速回應等供應績效。 2. 關係認知對於關係涉入與整合有顯著的正向影響 「關係認知」的衡量指標:相容性及滿意度,會促進供應商對於合作夥伴的溝通與互動、專屬性投資、承諾、連結等關係行為,進而提昇其供應績效。 3. 提昇供應商e化程度可以改善其供應績效 「供應商e化程度」對於供應商的可靠度、價格競爭力等績效呈現顯著正相關,亦即供應商提昇e化程度可以提昇品質競爭力、技術創新、生產彈性、問題處理速度及節省成本等。 4. 供應商e化程度對於夥伴關係影響供應商績效的干擾效果不顯著 「供應商e化程度」會直接影響供應商績效,但是e化程度的提昇對於促進夥伴關係對供應商績效的影響並不顯著。 5. 資本額愈高的供應商,則其e化程度愈高;資產流動率愈高的供應商,則其e化程度愈高 資本額愈大或資產流動率愈高的供應商,擁有愈多資源可以依賴,以用於提昇其e化程度。另外基於交易成本的觀點,企業投入資本於e化程度的提昇,有助於總體交易成本的降低,本研究的結果印證了資源基礎論以及交易成本論的觀點。 6. 營業比重高的供應商的夥伴關係程度較高 供應商對於佔有其營業比重高的顧客的依賴性相對增加,供應商可能為了維持與這一類顧客的交易,需要加強更親密的夥伴關係,整合彼此互補的資源,增加組織間的知識分享,使合作雙方對於關係的承諾愈高,更樂於積極努力投資於關係的維持。 7. 機械/原材類零件供應商的e化程度明顯低於電子/電機類與系統/組件類 機械/原材類零件供應商的e化程度明顯低於電子/電機類與系統/組件類供應商,顯然機械/原材類零件供應商的e化策略可能起步較晚,或資源投入較低,建議若能及早投入e化程度的提昇,將可促進企業績效以及競爭力。


ABSTRACT This research analyzes in the view of supplier that when cooperation partners intend to enhance cooperation relationship, mutual recognition level of certain critical factors should be taken into consideration prior to the confirmation of the development and performance of mutual relationship. This research thus executes case study by using the model of “recognition-behavior-performance” and analyzes the interference effects resulting from the E-business level and the precursor effects of suppliers’ attributes. A monitor suppliers is taken as the research subject of the case study among which 122 valid questionnaires are returned. Correlation analysis, univariate analysis, multiple regression analysis, multivariate analysis, and canonical analysis are used to execute case study and the research results confirm that: 1. A positive relation is showed between partnership level and supplier performance ”Relationship recognition” and “Relationship involvement and integration” both have a positive relation with “Supplier performance”. That means suppliers can improve such supplying performance as reliability, price competitiveness, instant reaction by enhancing the suppliers’ “relationship recognition” level and “relationship involvement and integration” level. 2. Relationship recognition exerts a positive impact on relationship involvement and integration The measurement indicators of “relationship recognition”: Compatibility and satisfaction will help suppliers promote such relationship behavior as communication and mutual reaction, special assets, promises, linkages between the suppliers and their partners and will thus enhance the supplying performance. 3. The enhancement of suppliers’ E-business can improve their supplying performance ”Suppliers’ E-business level” exerts positive impact on suppliers’ reliability, price competitiveness performance. That means suppliers’ E-business level can strengthen quality competitiveness, technology innovation, production elasticity, problem processing speed and cost savings, etc. 4. Suppliers’ E-business level doesn’t exert obvious impact on interference effects on suppliers’ performance caused by suppliers’ partnership ”Suppliers’ E-business level” affects suppliers’ performance directly, but the enhancement of E-business level doesn’t exert obvious impact on suppliers’ performance caused by partnership. 5. The higher the suppliers’ capitalization, the higher the level of E-business; The higher the suppliers’ asset liquidity ratio, the higher the suppliers’ E-business level The suppliers owning more capitalization or higher asset liquidity ratio can have more resources to be exploited for enhancing E-business level. In view of transaction cost, the enhancement of corporate investment on E-business will promote the lowering of total transaction costs. The result of this research confirms Resource-Based view and Transaction-Cost theory. 6. The partnership level of suppliers with high ratio of operating revenue is high Suppliers increase their reliance on customers with high operating sales revenue. For sustaining transaction with such customers of high ratio of operating income, suppliers must strengthen more intensive partnership, integrate mutually supplementary resources, and enhance knowledge sharing among organizations. By doing those, both sides will promise higher partnership and be more aggressive to invest in maintaining the relationship between both sides. 7. The E-business level of machinery/materials suppliers is definitely lower than that of electronic/electro-mechanic and system/assembly sectors The E-business level of machinery/materials suppliers is obviously lower than that of electronic/electro-mechanic and system/assembly suppliers. Obviously, machinery/materials suppliers might initiate E-business strategy later or invest less resource. It is advised that if the enhancement on E-business level can be invested earlier, corporate performance and competitiveness can be improved in time. Keywords: partnership, relationship recognition, relationship involvement and integration, supplier performance


蘇志宏(2006)。供應商協同合作之研究 - 以晶圓代工廠為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.01063
