  • 學位論文


A Study of Conflict in Software Development Team

指導教授 : 詹前隆


根據Standish Group公司的研究,僅有15~35%以下的資訊系統專案能夠在預定的時程及成本預算內完成。因專案失敗所造成的龐大金額損失,值得找出方法來提高資訊系統專案的成功率。過去研究發現,許多資訊系統專案的失敗並非導因於技術問題,而是來自專案團隊成員之間的衝突。   本研究以國內產業資訊部門為研究對象,探索軟體開發過程中衝突的來源,並探討「互動」能否有效調節衝突。透過文獻探討,本研究將衝突來源分為程式設計師因素、系統分析師因素,以及專案團隊因素。其次,建立研究架構與假說,設計問卷,以「最近一年內」參與完成之內部開發軟體專案作為填答依據,透過SPSS、PLS對回收樣本進行統計分析,驗證本研究之假說。   研究結果顯示,不論專案團隊大小,「程式設計師的表達能力」及「系統分析師的表達能力」均可減少「軟體開發過程之衝突」;在大的專案團隊,「系統分析師對業務面的了解程度」反而增加「軟體開發過程之衝突」,且模型的解釋力較原模型來的好。而「互動」的調節效果並不顯著,但隨著互動品質高低的不同,「程式設計師的表達能力」與「系統分析師的表達能力」對「軟體開發過程之衝突」呈現不同程度的影響。而「互動」對「軟體開發過程之衝突」的中介效果則十分明顯。


The Standish Group research shows only 15 to 35 percent of software project can be completed in time and in budget, and a huge amount of money is wasted as a result of project failure. It worth us efforts to identify ways to promote software project success rates. According to previous studies, many software projects failed not because of technical issues, but due to the conflict among software development team. Based on data collected from the information technology departments in the domestic industries, this study explored the causes of conflict during the software development process, and validated the moderating effect of “interaction” to conflict. Through literature review, we classified conflict causes into three factors: programmers, systems analysts, and project teams. We established a research framework, set hypotheses, and designed questionnaire requiring the respondents to recall the process of one software development project within one year. We used SPSS and smart-PLS to verify the hypotheses. This study shows that regardless of the size of the project team, the communication skills of programmers and systems analysts both could reduce the conflict. In the case of larger project teams, that system analysts understand business process better increases conflict. The explanatory power of this model is even stronger than the original one. However, the moderating effects of the interaction is not significant. With different interaction quality level, the communication skills of programmers and systems analysts show different impact on conflict. On the other hand, the mediating effect of interaction to conflict is obvious.


〔13〕Chan, C. L., Chen, H. G., Chang , K. C., and Lie, T.“User-IS Conflicts, User-IS Interaction Quality, and Project Performance: An Empirical Study,” Journal of Information Management, 15:2, pp. 209-224, April 2008.


