  • 學位論文


Research on the Public-Private Partnership Model of the Cultural Festival held in Military Dependent’s Villages in Taoyuan

指導教授 : 謝登旺


「眷村」是臺灣特有的文化,是在當時的政治環境與時代背景的因素下所產生,這樣獨特的文化有相當大的價值值得受到保存與維護。近年來由於政府針對老舊眷村進行拆除作業,所以眷村文化相關議題開始受到重視,全國各地也開始進行保留眷村、設立文化園區的計畫,桃園縣政府文化局則是以舉辦文化節慶活動的方式,讓眷村的歷史、文化與精神延續下去。   本研究以公私協力相關理論作為基礎,輔以節慶活動理論嘗試分析桃園眷村文化節所屬類型,並採取質性研究的深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,以參與辦理桃園眷村文化節的桃園縣境內政府公家單位相關人員、民間團體、專家學者與地方人士為訪談對象,先了解桃園眷村文化節的主軸精神、規劃目標和受訪者對於活動內容的觀感,再探討公部門與私部門之間的互動模式、運作要素、各方在推動文化節慶活動的角色作用、協力過程中所面臨的困境以及遭遇到的問題與處理方式,並進一步分析公私協力關係所造成的影響因素,歸納與檢討該運作方式的優缺之處,提出結論與建議。


The unique culture of Military Dependent’s Villages was birthed from the political background at that specific time. This extraordinary culture has its great value and deserves preservation. In recent years, the government has been conducting the removal of military dependent’s villages. Therefore, preserving its cultural heritage has been an important issue. One of the preservation plans is to establish cultural parks in different places of Taiwan. Another way is to hold cultural festivals, just as what the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taoyuan County did. This kind of activity allows the people to know more about the history, culture, and spirit of military dependent’s villages. This thesis is based on the related theories of public-private partnership and festival theories. The type of festival held by the Taoyuan government was analyzed, and qualitative researches and in-depth interviews were conducted. The interviewees included the Taoyuan government authorities that held the festivals, as well as the non-government organizations, experts, scholars, and local people. This thesis researched on the main purpose of the festival, its plans and goals, and the participants’ opinions. The interaction between the public sector and the private sector was studied, and the operational elements were discussed. In addition, this research also analyzed the role of each participated group, the collaborative process, the difficulties, problems, and the solutions. The influential factors of public-private partnership were discussed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each operational method were examined. In the end, this thesis came to some conclusions, and proposed several recommendations.


趙慶華(2008)。〈鄉愁的起點,離散的情懷-「眷村文學」在台灣〉,《Performing Arts Review表演藝術雜誌》,第192期十二月號,頁44-45。
