  • 學位論文


Caries status of 0-6- year-old children of remote area in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃純德 駱嘉鴻


中文摘要 背景:偏遠地區口腔醫療資源的缺乏,一直存在相當嚴重的口腔健康問題。欲藉由研究來瞭解並進一步改善山地鄉偏遠地區幼兒口腔健康狀況。 目的:本研究欲探討山地鄉幼兒口腔健康狀況,並針對相關影響因素 ,如家庭背景因素、口腔衛生知識進行研究調查。 方法:本研究共抽樣0-6歲672位幼兒,口腔健康檢查由牙醫師執行。潔牙習慣是由標準化的問卷所取得。本研究採用分層多段隨機集束抽樣法,抽樣機率乃依據等比隨機抽樣(PPS)方式。資料庫設計使用Microsoft Access建檔,資料分析使用SAS及JMP軟體。 結果:本研究取得有效樣本數為515人(76.64%),其中男童245人(47.57%),女生有270人(52.43%)。男、女童之口腔健康狀況並無呈現統計上顯著差異。而deft index 5-6歲9.18±3.75為最高,2-3歲1.43±3.36最低;齲齒盛行率以5-6歲97.38%為最高,1-2歲12.5%最低;填補率以6-7歲最高18.76﹪,2-3歲為最低4.55﹪,隨著年齡增加而趨於嚴重的齲齒狀況。 結論:由本研究發現幼兒的齲齒數、齲齒指數及齲齒率仍明顯偏高,對於山地鄉幼兒有重要的影響因素,顯示應積極教育山地鄉父母親或照顧者正確的口腔保健觀念,期使山地鄉幼兒口腔齲齒狀況,能獲得有效改善。 關鍵詞:山地鄉幼兒、齲齒狀況、口腔衛生知識。


Abstract Background: The aboriginal children have suffered of insufficient dental care information and poor dental health care. We wondered whether the aboriginal children would have a good dental health status. Objective: The objective of the research is to exam children’s dental health condition and to investigate its related factors such as basic data of family, diet habit, and tooth-brushing habits. Methods: A total of 672 children age 0 to 6 years old participated in this study. Dentists carried out the oral examination. The oral health habits and status of daily activities were collected in the standardization questionnaires. Stratified cluster sampling design and Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) were used. Database was designed by MS Access, and data were analyzed using SAS and JMP. Results: The respond rate in this survey was 515 children(76.64%), boys were 245(47. 57%), and girls 270(52.43%).There was no statistically difference between the dental health by gender. The deft index and its components increased by age and reached the highest value at 2-3 years old for deft index(1.43±3.36),5-6 years old for deft index(9.18±3.75), at 5- 6 years old for caries prevalence rate(97.38%)and 1- 2 years old(12.5%), 6-7 years old for filling rate(18.76%). The deft index and caries prevalence showed that the dental health status of 0-6 years old children in remote area was very severe. Conclusion: This research revealed that the number of cavities, the caries index, and the dental caries rate of remote area are much higher then regular children; this fact indicates that the remote area, especially the parents, need more health education for dental care so that the poor situation could get improved. Keywords: aboriginal children, dental caries, oral health knowledge.


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