  • 學位論文


Schumann’s Pianistic Style as Revealed in Novelletten, Opus 21

指導教授 : 陳美鸞
共同指導教授 : 顏綠芬


摘要 羅伯特.亞歷山大.舒曼 (Robert Alexander Schumann, 1810-1856) 的鋼琴作品之於鍵盤音樂的發展,向來有著舉足輕重的地位,他的鋼琴創作多為「十九世紀鋼琴性格曲」(Nineteenth Century Piano Character Pieces),最具特色之處在於「套曲」(Set of Pieces) 形式的呈現。本篇論文的主軸《故事曲集》作品21 (Novelletten, op. 21) 即是由八首不具標題的「性格曲」集結而成的「套曲」,完成於1838年;「Novelletten」原為文學領域的詞彙,舒曼首次將其運用於音樂,成為創作的標題指稱。舒曼對於妻子克拉拉 (Clara Wieck Schumann, 1819-1896) 之深切情意、文學的靈感啟發、豐富的節奏性與多采的聲部織體,均交織於此部作品當中,充分反映出舒曼鋼琴創作的獨特魅力。 本論文首先概述舒曼鋼琴作品的類型與相關之特色,再就《故事曲集》的形成經過與創作的靈感泉源開始探討,爾後,透過八首故事曲的調性特色、速度運用與曲式結構,將研究方向深入至舒曼鋼琴寫作手法的特質。接著,由節奏的多元、線條的貫穿、音型的意義與教學的貢獻等四個面向,將《故事曲集》的鋼琴技巧提出,與詮釋的思維並進,探索這部作品在於彈奏層面的特殊性與藝術性。最後,藉由回顧研究的過程,呈現舒曼鋼琴作品得以獨樹一幟的原由,再延伸至八首故事曲在演奏時的連續性及其方式,進而傳遞獨屬於舒曼的鋼琴音樂之美。 關鍵字: 舒曼、克拉拉.舒曼、鋼琴性格曲、故事曲、音樂密碼、音樂與文學、鋼琴風格


Abstract With their charm and polyphonic musical textures embedded throughout lyric and touching melodies, the piano compositions of Robert Alexander Schumann (1810-1856) have widely been regarded as treasures of the Romantic Era. Among all the works, Novelletten, op. 21 composed in 1838, with its literary inspiration interweaving deep affection toward his future wife Clara Wieck (1819-1896), reflects in full Schumann’s characteristic style in piano compositions. To probe into Novelletten, this thesis first gives a general description of the type of works and features of Schumann’s piano compositions, followed by the genesis of inspiration for Novelletten, including the origin of the title “Novelletten” and how these pieces were composed in their literary inspirations, and diversified styles of music. This thesis studies the musical theories and vocabularies, starting with analyzing the structure of the work and musical forms of the eight pieces in Novelletten. Then it investigates the characteristics of composing techniques through various attributes of melodies, rhythm, and tonality, and application of specific figuration and transition between voices. Finally, a review of artistic creation features and musical qualities of Novelletten will be presented allowing for concepts to be exhibited in future performance and to apply knowledge into its interpretation and performance. Keywords : Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Piano Character Pieces, Novellette, Music Cipher, Music and Literature, Pianistic Style.


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Schauffler, Robert Haven. Florestan : The Life and Work of Robert Schumann. New York : Henry Holt and Company, 1945.
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