  • 學位論文


Study on Needs and Conscious of Evacuation for Resident in Disasters:A Case of Dongmen Community in Tainan City

指導教授 : 邵珮君


近年來因氣候變遷全球各地災害頻傳,除了天然災害之外,人為 災害亦時有所聞。由於災害來的太突然,在無預警情況之下往往讓人 措手不及。本研究主要調查災害發生後民眾之災後避難行為,並以臺 南市東區東門社區為研究區域。藉由問卷調查瞭解民眾在災害發生後 之想法、對於防災避難之認知與需求,透過訪談法獲知社區鄰里長幹 部對於防救災之領導想法,以及與政府單位所推行的社區防救災計畫 三方想法來進行比較,提供社區防救災計畫之參考,以達到資源之最 適分配及安排。 問卷調查發現民眾於災害發生後,主要會選擇以博愛國小及勝利 國小做為避難場所;而且民眾認為避難場所最必須提供之服務及物資 為民生服務,其次為醫療服務。此外,民眾對於社區內之防災避難計 畫並不瞭解,顯示政府單位對於防災避難計畫推動仍顯不足。由於社 區內沒有適當之避難處所,因此,里長認為社區內應設置活動中心, 且里長認為避難物資應集中於里長家,避免物資因全部集中在避難處 所,使得物資分配不全。然於訪談臺南市政府社會局之後,認為避難 處所的建設並非由社會局或里長單方面所能決定,尚賴政府部門之規 劃審議後才能執行,無法在短時間內就能建設。避難物資之發放則分 成由社會局(大型避難處所)或區公所(小型避難處所)兩層級進行配 置。 最後,本研究透過民眾之問卷調查結果、里長、專家學者及政府 官員訪談結果發現:民眾、里長的想法與政府單位所規劃內容與執行 有所差異; 政府的規劃雖曾考量各方因素,然未充分考量居民意見, 其規劃內容與民眾認知上有所落差。因此,未來地方政府於防災規劃 過程應該加強對居民之教育與演練、與民眾多加溝通使其防災規劃能 符合民意才能發揮其防災具體效益。


In recent years, due to global climate change along with natural disasters, man-made disasters have also become common. Since disasters occur under unexpected circumstances, they often shock people. This study aims to investigate the evacuation behavior of people and of the research community living in Tainan East Gate region after each disaster. By conducting a questionnaire survey, we investigated people’s consideration related to evacuation after the disaster including awareness of disaster prevention, and the demand for evacuation. Furthermore, it was revealed that communities should be notified about the disaster prevention plans that significantly contribute to effective ideas for post-disaster rescue and relief. Besides, to achieve the optimal allocation of resources and arrangements as well as to develop suggestive community-based disaster prevention planning, the community and local government were also interviewed. The survey revealed that people in the aftermath of the disaster, they chose Bo-Ai Elementary School and Shengli Elementary School as a mainly shelter; and most people believed that services such as shelters, food as well as medical services should be adequately provided to the residents. Besides, due to unclear to evacuating plan for the community, it is shown that the local government did not promote the post-disaster evacuation plan positively. The leader of community thought that the community center should be constructed within the community to be grasped by the leader of community to distribute the resource fairly. However, the interviews with Tainan City Government’s Bureau of Social Affairs revealed that it is difficult to decide to construct the community center as a place of refuge by the Social Bureau Chief and the leader of the community. On the other hand, the distribution of relief resource was classified into two patterns: one is distributed by the Bureau of Social Affairs in a large-scale shelter, the other one is distributed by the district office in a small-scale one. Finally, the results of the questionnaire survey and the interviews revealed that the disaster prevention and reduction plan submitted ty the local government did not match what the residents of the community want. There is a gap betwwen the local government’s plan and the resident’s conscious. Therefore, the government should communicate with the residents to disaster prevention and evacuation planning to understand what the residents want, and strengthen education and drill for disaster mitigation to promote implementing disaster prevention and reduction plan concretely and efficiently.


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