  • 學位論文


Research of bantering poetry with the distinctions concept:the Ming Dynasty as an example

指導教授 : 蔡英俊


摘  要 古典文學中諧趣書寫的歷史源遠流長,《詩經》、《莊子》、《史記》多有作品可徵,並被後世視為諧趣詩歌、寓言、史傳等先河。本文以詩歌為討論重點,並以「諧謔」專指此類詩作。 諧謔詩自古有之,源頭可上溯至先秦《詩經》,後歷經漢魏諧讔、唐朝戲作、宋元俳諧等,其間發展各有緩急,未曾或歇。及至明代,諧趣寫作在創作數量和質量上到達顛峰,各種文類都有許多諧趣作品,尤以笑話、寓言等為代表,然詩歌一類諧謔作品卻相對少見;這個特殊的文學現象,頗值得深究。主要原因,還是詩必雅正的文學觀念,局限詩歌類型發展,遮掩不同情感的表露,諧謔詩作就是最好的例證。 諧謔詩歌發展固然頗為早遠,然將之視為單一詩歌類型、並收納於詩歌總/別集編纂,卻遲至明代中後期才確立。諧謔門類建構,何以如此緩慢?又是什麼因素推動門類建置的進程?本文提出明代文壇極為盛行的「辨體」風氣,作為思考方向,認為「辨體」意識對諧謔詩歌創作與門類建立,實則起了推波助瀾的作用。明代辨體專著如吳訥《文章辨體》、徐師曾《文體明辨》等,對文學作品進行細部辨析,使門類增加至一百多種,文學類型發展因而更為完整。其中胡震亨《唐音統籤》更正式標舉「諧謔」作為詩歌門類。影響所及,清帝康熙御編《全唐詩》,亦以「諧謔」做為詩歌類型之一,可說是站在官方立場,宣告諧謔詩的正統地位與文學價值。 關鍵字 諧謔 辨體 唐音癸籤 幽默


諧謔 辨體 唐音癸籤 幽默


Humor in Chinese writing is an ever so important element perhaps as ancient as the history of Chinese literature itself. It was first presented, in the form of “banter poetry,” in the Book of Songs, as early as the Qin Dynasty. Over the centuries, traces of banter poetry could be found in the literary works of every dynasty. It eventually reached its peak in the Ming dynasty, a time when, ironically enough, the ruling class began to tighten its grip on the literary community that may question its authority, and many forms of classical writing went to decline. Interestingly, though its roots can be traced back to the earliest periods of Chinese literature, the classification of banter was not formally established until late Ming. In Hu Zhenheng’s literary collection Tang Yin Tong Qian, banter was finally identified as an actual genre of poetry. The significance of this unprecedented act would later be seen in the Qing Dynasty, when the imperial government under Emperor Kangxi accepted this view and put banter poetry as an official category of poetry, thus granting it legitimacy and literary value for the first time. What quality enabled banter poetry to flourish in the iron grip of the Ming government? Why, considering its essential role, was this form of humorous writing not widely recognized earlier on? The following paper presents a perspective through the “distinctions,” a popular trend for writers in the Ming Dynasty, and its influence on the evolution of banter poetry.


banter distinctions Tang Yin Gui Qian humor


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