  • 學位論文


The Functions of Implicit Elements in Old Chinese with a Textual Approach: From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics

指導教授 : 劉承慧


本論文從系統功能語言學的語篇共時角度,看上古漢語的隱性成分功能。本文以系統功能語言學為角度,乃因為系統功能語言學很關注語言和語篇之間的關係;語篇又與語境、語類密切相關。可以說,系統功能語言學著重在語篇當中解釋語言現象。 本文以「語篇」作為貫穿整個隱性成分的研究角度,主要討論古漢語三種隱性成分,名詞性成分、動詞性成分,以及介詞「於」的隱現情況。本文又進一步以「語類」作為隱性名詞性成分的分類基礎,乃因為古漢語的隱性名詞性成分在語類表達上有所差異;本論文以語類為考量點,有其語言分析上的需要。 漢語是高度依賴語境的語言,其許多語言現象從語篇角度來觀察,可以得到比較好的解釋。尤其討論古代漢語的隱性成分功能,可以更好理解這些隱性成分的語言功能。我們認為,從語篇角度研究漢語具有適切性,尤其是古代漢語,有些地方如果不從語篇角度探討,則幾乎無法看出其細微差異。本論文的研究成果能強化古漢語現有相關文獻的理論系統性。 除此之外,本文也嘗試提出漢語一種特有結構,稱為隱性「我者」結構。這類結構不是一時的語言表達需要,而是漢語基本常見的語言特有結構。提出這種結構不只是分類上的粗細不同而已,而是為漢語指出一類普遍存在卻為學術界所忽略的重要句式。這種句式無論在共時上或是歷時上,都可以為漢語相關現象提供另一種解釋。


This dissertation investigates the functions of implicit elements in Old Chinese with a textual approach from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). SFL is concerned with the relationship between language and text/discourse which is closely related to context and genre. SFL emphasizes to interpret linguistic phenomena in text/discourse. This research discusses with a textual approach the functions of three implicit elements in Old Chinese which are nominal elements, verbs and preposition Yu. This study is further based on genre as the classification of nominal elements. It is necessary to analyze the implicit nominal elements from the perspective of genre. Chinese is highly dependent on context. We can get a better explanation of many implicit elements in Old Chinese from the textual perspective. With it, it is appropriate to observe the implicit phenomenon in Old Chinese, especially on their subtle differences. The result of this research can unify the relevant literature in Old Chinese to a theoretical level. In addition, this study also attempts to propose a characteristic structure of Chinese, temporarily referred to as implicit We structure. This structure is not just language uses, but the basic structure of Chinese language which is important but ignored all long. This structure can explain many Chinese phenomena both synchronically and diachronically.


