  • 學位論文


Writing Desire and Subject in Practice: A Study Based on Chiu Miao-Jin Diary

指導教授 : 王鈺婷


《邱妙津日記》的出版,提供以邱妙津作為研究對象的研究者理解其作品內涵的新途徑。從日記中可以觀察出邱妙津一貫的書寫策略,如:日記體、手記體及書信體等創作形式,日記除了成為邱妙津創作的「源頭」,相較於其類似創作形式的《蒙馬特遺書》及《鱷魚手記》,《邱妙津日記》更富含「私語性」。在相當程度上可與同時期的《蒙馬特遺書》及稍早的《鱷魚手記》進行更深刻、周延、全面的對話。本論文基於對女同志生命歷程、同志文學以及性別越界書寫之關注,擬鎖定《邱妙津日記》作為研究主體,探討其中之「思想歷程」、「性別與愛欲」、「存在與死亡」、「閱讀與書寫」等議題,試圖建構出邱妙津文學與生命之圖像。 本論文首先將爬梳邱妙津在《新新聞》周刊擔任記者期間所撰寫的新聞、評論稿及其小說創作,來釐析在解嚴後社會運動蓬勃發展下,邱妙津對於自身所屬的「學運世代」的視角、態度及其位置。其次將探討其愛情觀中的「自我主體」、「愛情政治」以及「性別意識」。接著將分析邱妙津的「生存意識」與「死亡意念」,論述邱妙津的存在觀及死亡觀如何並置、交錯、相互辯證並歸納出其特定的生死節奏。最後,本論文將透過日記歸納出邱妙津的閱讀地圖,並以「文本互涉」理論,探討邱妙津如何藉由閱讀來形構自身的思想面貌並構思其創作。進而分析創作之於邱妙津的意義,並以「日記美學」及「書信體」理論,探討日記書寫所產生的意義,以及日記與書信形式達到何種美學效果,如何與其書寫欲望產生關聯。 關鍵詞:邱妙津、邱妙津日記、書寫欲望、主體、主體性、愛欲、文本互涉


Abstract The publication of the “Chiu Miaojin Diary” provides a new method for studying Chiu Miaojin. We can observe the consistent writing strategies Chiu applied to her works such as diaristic novels, notes, epistolary, etc. As the origins of Chiu’s creationism, the diaries perform a more whisper-like discourse when compared to Chiu’s other works: Last Words from Montmartre and Notes of a Crocodile. To a certain extent, the diary starts a profound, circumspect, comprehensive dialogue with the same period of the Last Words from Montmartre and its predecessor Notes of a Crocodile. This study is based on lesbian life course, LGBT writing and gender border-crossing. Focusing on Chiu Miaojin Diary as the research subject, this study investigates the "thought process", "sex and erotica", "existence and death", "reading and writing" and other underlying issues in Chiu’s diary, and tries to construct an image of Qiu Miaojin’s literature and life. This thesis will first comb through Chiu’s news reports, reviews and novels written during the time when she worked as a reporter at The Journalist magazine. This is to analyze Chiu’s perspective, attitude and stance on a “revolutionary generation” in the booming social movements after the lifting of martial law. Secondly, the thesis will explore the "self-body", "love politics" and "gender consciousness" in Chiu’s concept of love. Thirdly, this study will analyze Chiu Miaojin’s "survival consciousness" and "death consciousness", to discuss how Chiu’s view of life and death with a mutually dialectic approach and concludes its specific rhythm of life and death. Lastly, this thesis will summarize Chiu Miaojin’s reading map reflected by the diary. Using the intertextuality theory, this study will explore how Chiu’s thoughts and works were affected by her reading, as well as the significance writing posed for Chiu. The theories of “diary of aesthetics" and "epistolary" offer a method to discuss the significance of writing, as well as the aesthetic effect adopted in the forms of letters and a diary, and the association between Chiu’s diary and her desire writing. Key Words Chiu Miaojin, Chiu Miaojin Diary, Writing Desire, Subject, Subjectivity, Eros, Intertextuality


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