  • 學位論文


Handicapped Residents' Perceptions toward Residential Designs

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘要 在所有不同形式的身心障礙者之中,以肢體障礙者所佔的比例最多。不論是使用輪椅、肢架,或柺杖等輔行具站立或行走,肢體障礙者都直必須直接與空間發生關係,因此肢體障礙也是所有身心障礙者之中與生活空間最有直接關係的一群。不過歷來空間理論或環境行為研究,鮮少著眼於肢體障礙者居家空間價值觀、審美、品味或其他考量之探索。基於此,本研究探討(一)肢體障礙者居家空間之主要需求因素,(二)肢體障礙者對居家空間需求偏好,及(三)肢體障礙者有別於一般人之居家室內空間條件。 本研究採質性與量化研究並行,以使分析更具完整。在量化部份,探討方法為立意抽樣過程,請受測者填寫空間心理、生理及物理方面需求的量化問卷,所得資料以SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析。經由上述實證研究分析,歸納出肢體障礙者的居家空間觀有9項因素,依其重視程度排列,依序是「自證性」、「領域感」、「無障礙生活環境」、「生活品質」、「個性化」、「價值觀」、「審美觀」、「自明性」、「安全感」。在這9項因素中,肢體障礙者最重視的居家空間因素是「自證性」,其次是「領域感」,第三是「無障礙生活環境」。相對的,最不重視的是「安全感」。 質性研究根據理論架構來擬定訪談大綱。樣本則採立意取樣,以半結構性訪談進行,總共訪談肢體障礙者12位,透過訪談及與受訪者互動,取得資料分為訪談內容、受訪者居家空間觀察與圖繪紀錄二大類,此為研究分析的主體。在資料的分析上,經由訪談資料整理,進行分析經驗的步驟,此時研究者的價值觀和理論詮釋明確的介入,影響如何收入、捨棄、節錄、突顯資料。經過上述研究與分析,本研究歸納出肢體障礙者的居家空間觀有12項因素,分別為「信仰文化」、「自明性」、「自證性」、「領域感」、「安全感」、「審美觀」、「生活品質」、「無障礙生活環境」、「個性化」、「私密性」、「價值觀」、「居家社交性」。 「居家空間觀」是室內物理環境,相對於身心活動所引起的作用或反應。換句話說,由於室內的空間結構和設備條件不同,使生活及活動因而產生各種不同的效果和影響。本研究將肢體障礙者的居家空間觀,依研究結論區分為心理需求、生理需求與物理需求三大構面。雖然這三大構面各有完全不同的性質與作用,但是它們並非是各自獨立,彼此之間實存在著密切的相互關係。實質上,室內的物理需求是生理需求和心理需求的共同條件,室內的生理需求是心理需求的必要基礎,而室內的心理需求亦足以加強物理需求和生理需求的效果。換句話說,肢體障礙者室內需求是綜合了物理、生理和心理等共同需求的整體問題,必須同時兼顧始能獲得完整的滿足。 關鍵字:肢體障礙、空間觀


肢體障礙 空間觀


Abstract Physically disabled represent the greatest percentage of people among handicapped population. Because they heavily rely on assistance of wheelchairs, crutches, or other equipment for standing up and walking, they must interact with the environment surrounding them. Therefore, this group of people has a direct relation with living space most of time. However, mainstream spatial theories or living environment studies seldom consider their perceptual value, aesthetics, personal preference, and other aspects of their opinions. Thus, this study will focus on (1) the reasons constituted for handicap residents’ preferences for living space (2) Handicap residents’ preferences for living space (3) Handicap residents’ spatial needs other than the non-handicapped. My investigation is with a balance of qualitative and quantitative data in order to make my study being accurate. To obtain the qualitative data, I used random survey method to gather information. People who participated in the survey filled out questionnaires provided to answer their personal opinion on spatial, physical, and psychological needs for living space. The survey results then were examined by SPSS software to find out physical handicaps’ needs for living space. From the result of qualitative data, this study concludes handicaps’ idea of “living space” is control by nine factors. The order of these nine factors from the most important to the least are: self-realization, personalization, self-identity, esthetics, quality of life, barrier-free living environment, security, values, and self-identified territory. Here, self-realization is the most important factor for the handicaps’ on view of living space, follow by personalization and self-identity; the least important factor is self-identified territory. Gathering quantitative data is the major focus for this study. The study establishes a questionnaire and random sampling rule for various interviewees. There are a total of twelve interviewees. Through each interview and interaction with the interviewee, the data gathered were divided into detail information of interview, and observation of the living space of each interviewee with mapping record. The finally analysis was made through careful examining study values and theory explanation. The result of the qualitative data shows handicaps’ idea of living space was control by nine reasons. To list the reasons, from the most important to the lease, they are: self-identity, self-realization, barrier-free living environment, security, esthetics, self-territory, values, socialization, and quality of life. The study found that self-identity is the most important aspect of living space for the physical challengers, follow by the reasons of barrier-free living environment, self-realization. Quality of life is the least important reason for them to consider in term of living space. View on Living space is the response or reaction when internal living physical environment versus human body and mind activities. Since each internal spatial structure and equip in different way, therefore living activities within will create different effect and impact. This study divides physical disables’ views on living space in three different dimensions; they are psychological, physical, and physiological needs. Although handicaps’ views on living space could be divided into three parts with different characteristics and functions as described above, they are not isolated from each other but in fact interrelated with each other. Internal physical environment is the basic requirement for physiological and psychological needs. Handicaps’ interior psychological need is the requirement of physiological need. Moreover, Handicaps’ interior psychological need will enforce the effectiveness of their spatial physical adjustment and physiological need. In another word, handicaps’ interior space need combine their psychological, physical, and physiological needs. Being a professional interior designer must consider all these three factors in order to satisfy their needs for comfortable living space.


徐進鈺,1990,領域取向規劃論述之檢討-John Friedman 的新民粹主義,臺灣社會季刊,第3卷第1期春季號。


蔡心妤(2005)。高齡化社會之無障礙衛浴環境研究- 以德國與台灣老人安養機構為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2005.00220
