  • 學位論文


Research on the Craftsmanship Foundational of Doibuki、Kokerabuki、Hiwadabuki the Japanese Governance of Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊銘 薛琴


台灣於日治時期大量建設不同類型的建築,有官舍、宿舍、廳舍、神社等建築物,因此引入日本當地特有的建築構造,如小舞壁、雨淋板等技術,其中運用木質材料為屋頂的檜皮葺、柿葺、土居葺最為特殊,但光復後因「表現日本帝國主義優越感之殖民統治紀念遺跡」而拆除,至今僅存傳統日式屋頂土居葺構造;不過因土居葺為屋瓦下的防水材料,在修復時常判為廢材而清除,對此調查研究者因構造的移除,常無法當下紀錄構造的狀況,使得土居葺構造即將面臨絕跡,並亦造成傳統日式屋頂構造技術的斷層。因此本研究基於保存與再回復的立場,運用現場調查紀錄及文獻佐證(1)建立土居葺、柿葺、檜皮葺基礎知識(2)針對日治時期留下土居葺、柿葺仕樣書歸納及分析施工規範及材料使用(3)提出現今僅存的土居葺修復工事、調查事項、保存與展示的建議(4)經由本研究所歸結的成果,冀望成為未來台灣傳統日式屋頂土居葺修復及調查的基礎。 本研究各章節的內容如下: 第一章 緒論 本章以研究動機、目的、研究範圍、對象、方法、流程、引用文獻及訪談對象說明。 第二章 日治時期植物性屋頂的定義與歷史探源 本研究經由日治前的日本至日治後台灣的屋頂型態,由檜皮葺、柿葺、土居葺三種可括分五類探討,(1)植物性屋頂歷史、(2)匠師系統及組織、(3)屋頂類型的定義、(4)生產技術的變遷、(5)災害、法令限制與工業產品的影響,來闡述三種屋頂於日治時期台灣如何演變與發展。 第三章 日治時期台灣植物性屋頂工具使用與工事規範 透過日本文化財原皮師、檜皮葺師、柿葺師使用之工具、材料的選擇及筆者於現況技術的紀錄,以及台灣《總督府公文類纂》《專賣局公文類纂》屋頂仕樣書以土居葺、柿葺,藉以瞭解日治時期臺灣植物性屋頂的工具及施作技術。 第四章 日式建築屋頂土居葺修復技術方式與保存手法 以台灣現有的傳統日式屋頂土居葺來探討,經由日治時的台灣《總督府公文類纂》《專賣局公文類纂》屋頂修復仕樣書、現今台灣、日本的修復技術及調查研究、保存與展示手法,以及未來的文化資產保存、維護觀念,一併歸納整理為修復、保存基本方針。 第五章 結論 綜合本論文各章的結論與成果,以及未來後續研究的課題建議。


During the period when Taiwan was under the governing of Japanese Administration, there had been constructions of huge amounts of different types of architectures, with buildings such as, official housings, dormitories, mansions & residences, and worshipping temples, as a result, at the time, the architectural structures specially owned locally in Japan were introduced into Taiwan, for techniques, such as bamboo-mud wall and rain board, one of which as being most particular was the application of wooden materials on the rooftop, including cypress bark roof, shingled-roof and a base board for tile roofing, however, after Taiwan was returned to the control of Kuomingtan, due of “a display on the dominance of Japanese imperialism over the memorial relics of colonial governance”, almost all of which were dismounted; nowadays, only the structure of traditional Japanese rooftop with a base board for tile roofing is the only one remained, nonetheless, due a base board for tile roofing is the waterproof materials under the tiles of rooftop, oftentimes there are misjudgments as waste materials when restoration, to be thrown away instead, moreover, due of the removal of the structure, the researchers are usually unable to make recordings on the status of structure when doing investigations, causing the structure of a base board for tile roofing to be faced with a destiny of extinction, and at the same time, to lead to a fault on the structural techniques of traditional Japanese rooftops.Based upon our position to make preservation and restoration, with application of field investigations, accompanied by documentaries as proofs, we would like to: (1) Set up the fundamental knowledge of a base board for tile roofing, shingled-roof and cypress bark roof, (2) make summarization as well as analysis on the construction regulations and material applications for the working guidebooks of a base board for tile roofing and shingled-roof left during the period when Taiwan was under the governing of Japanese Administration, (3)Offer recommendations related to the restoration works, investigation matters, as well as preservation and exhibition, (4) become the basis of restoration and investigation of a base board for tile roofing on the traditional Japanese rooftop for Taiwan in the future through the results summed up in the paper. The contents of each chapter for the study are as the following: Chapter 1 Introduction In this chapter, to make illustration with research motivations, purposes, research coverage, subject, methods, process flows, citation of documentaries, as well as interviewees. Chapter 2 Definitions and Historical Explorations For the Plant Rooftops During the Period When Taiwan Was Under the Governing of Japanese Administration For the types of rooftops prior and after the period when Taiwan was under the governing of Japanese Administration, to make investigations into five aspects from the three types- cypress bark roof, shingled-roof and a base board for tile roofing: (1) The history of plant rooftops, (2)The systems and organizations of craftsmen, (3) The definitions on the types of rooftops, (4) The changes of production techniques, (5) Disasters, restrictions from laws and decrees, as well as the effects from industrial products, in order to illustrate how the three types of rooftops were transformed and developed during the period when Taiwan was under the governing of Japanese Administration. Chapter 3 Tooling Applications and Working Regulations for Plant Rooftops During the Period When Taiwan Was Under the Governing of Japanese Administration Through the cultural assets of Japan- motokawa-shi(craftspeople to collect cypress bark), master of hiwadabuki( craftspeople to build cypress bark hip-and-gable roof building), and master of kokerabuki (craftspeople to build shingled-roof building), from which the tooling were used, the materials were selected, plus the records made by the author on the current status of the techniques, as well as the working guidebooks of a base board for tile roofing and shingled-roof, such as ” Sotokufu(Taiwan Governor Office's official documents)”, and “Taiwan Soutokufu Senbaikyoku Archives”, in order to understand the tooling as well as techniques implemented for the plant rooftops during the period when Taiwan was under the governing of Japanese Administration. Chapter 4 Restoration Technical Methods and Preservation Approaches For Japanese Architectural Rooftops With A Base Board For Tile Roofing Through the investigations made on the traditional Japanese rooftops with a base board for tile roofing currently existed in Taiwan, the working guidebooks on the rooftops-“Sotokufu(Taiwan Governor Office's official documents)” and “Taiwan Soutokufu Senbaikyoku Archives”, the restoration techniques, investigated researches, as well as preservation and exhibition approaches, along with the concepts on the conservation and maintenance of cultural assets in the future, to put them all together with summarization into a fundamental guidelines on restoration and preservation. Chapter 5 Conclusions To combine together of all the conclusions as well as results made from each chapter of the study, and to offer recommendations on the agenda of later researches in the future.


2002,《國際歷史保存及古蹟維護 憲章、宣言、決議文、建議文》,臺南市:國立文化資產保存研究中心籌備處
建築辭典 編輯委員會


