  • 學位論文


Mother, we are closer! An Action Research of the Parent-Child Co-Learning Program to the New Immigrant Family

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


本研究旨在發展新移民親子共學方案,再探討親子共學方案對新移民親子的影響,最後呈現新移民親子參與共學方案的互動情形。本研究採行動研究法,整體課程為一螺旋狀的循環圖,活動實施共有五循環,依序進行以下主題:自我、友誼、情緒、創意、合作。每一主題皆有四階段活動安排,分別是親子共學、聯絡簿分享、親子與同儕回饋、社群討論。以立意取樣選取桃園縣美麗國小(化名),兩位六年級學生及其新移民媽媽為兩對研究參與者,一位為大陸籍配偶,另一位為越南籍配偶。以參與觀察與深入訪談為主、再以非正式訪談、文件分析與省思札記為輔等方式蒐集資料,進而將資料整理、歸納、分析。最後,以訪談對象與資料蒐集方法的多元性進行三角檢證,以確保本研究的信實度。   研究結果如下:   一、新移民親子共學課程設計應以新移民媽媽與子女為主體並考量其需求   二、參與親子共學方案後,新移民媽媽能夠轉換觀念,改變舊有做法;而新移民子女能敞開心胸、相信自我,並增進與同儕相處的能力   三、經過親子共學後,新移民親子關係更加親密   根據上述研究發現提出對新移民媽媽、新移民子女、教學現場的老師及未來研究之建議,以作為新移民教學、輔導之參考。


The purpose of this research was to develop a parent-child co-learning program. Through the implementation of the program, we could discuss the impact of the program on new immigrant families, and finally, reveal the character of parent-child interactions during the course of the co-learning program. This action research comes with a curriculum arranged in a spiral, cyclical diagram. The program includes five cycles, implemented in the following order: self, friendship, emotions, creativity and cooperation. Each subject is further sub-divided into 4 sections - parent-child co-learning, sharing communication book, peer group feedback, and group discussion. We chose the "Beautiful Elementary School" (alias) in the Taoyuan county by using the purposive sampling method. The participants were two sixth grade students and their new immigrant mothers. One of the two mothers came from Mainland China and the other from Vietnam. The main methods of data collection are participant observation and in-depth interviews. Secondary methods include informal interviews, document analysis and keeping personal journals. To ensure a satisfactory degree of reliability, the data was cross examined through subject interviews and the use of sources of various origin. The conclusions are listed in the after: 1. The main object of new immigrant families parent-child co-learning program should be the families, and the needs of them should be considered. 2.After participating the parent-child co-learning program, the concept of new immigrant mother can be changed from old to new. The children of the new immigrant families can be open minded, be confidence, and improve their ability to get alone with peers. 3. The relationships between the mothers and children in new immigrant families was improved day by day. Based on the results of this research, suggestions for new immigrant mothers, children in new immigrant families, teachers and future studies can be put forward, to serve as a reference for the processes of education and tutoring in relation to new immigrant families. Keywords: new immigrant, parent-child co-learning program, action research, picture book teaching




