  • 學位論文


The Reconstruction of Agriculture and Hunting in Yushan Hun (Souls of Yushan): A Study and Translation

指導教授 : 魏伯特


在台灣,原住民文學研究是個滿新的研究領域。雖然台灣原住民文學已有上千年的歷史,但都是以口傳文學的方式代代相傳。自從台灣進入了殖民時期,原住民作家開始以非母語,如日文或中文的語言寫作。 本論文將探討布農族作家霍斯陸曼.伐伐的作品《玉山魂》,並嘗試翻譯部份章節。這本小說是原住民文學裡最出色的作品之一,它描述了布農族在中央山脈的生活,故事背景設定在17世紀,當荷蘭人和華人移民尚未抵達台灣的時期。 本論文分成兩個部份:第一個部份對於台灣原住民和其歷史作了個簡單的介紹,同時對於台灣原住民文學與其發展作了較詳細的介紹,和探討霍斯陸曼.伐伐和他的作品對現代原住民文學的影響。本論文的重點是在於翻譯《玉山魂》裡有關農耕和狩獵的章節。農耕和狩獵是布農族最古老的活動,它們因此保留了許多布農文化和語言的特性和起源。在這些章節裡,霍斯陸曼.伐伐真實的呈現了他祖先的對話,活動,祈禱等等。這些章節於是具有挑戰性的翻譯題材。 雖然霍斯陸曼.伐伐用中文創作,他的寫作風格呈現了許多布農語言的特性。論文的最後一個章節將會討論他這樣做的原因和方法,以及對翻譯所造成的影響。論文的第二部份翻譯了大約《玉山魂》三分之一,主要是英譯農耕和狩獵的章節,並加上了注解。


The study of aboriginal literature is quite new in Taiwan. Although Taiwanese aboriginal literature has existed for thousands of years, it was mainly in the form of oral literature until quite recently. Since Taiwan's colonial period, aboriginal writers have also produced numerous works in non-aboriginal languages, such as Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. This thesis provides a discussion and partial translation of the novel Yushan hun (Souls of Jade Mountain), by Husluman vava, a writer from the Bunun tribe. This novel, one of the most outstanding works of fiction by an aboriginal writer, is about the lives of the Bunun in the central mountains of Taiwan sometime in the 17th century, before the Dutch established the first foreign settlements on Taiwan, and before the first waves of Chinese immigrants arrived. This thesis is divided into two sections: the first section provides a brief introduction to Taiwan's aboriginal inhabitants and history, a longer introduction to aboriginal literature, and a discussion of Husluman and his work in the context of modern aboriginal literature. The main focus of this thesis, however is on a translation of the chapters regarding agriculture and hunting in the novel. Agriculture and hunting are two of the oldest activities of the Bunun in Taiwan. They therefore exemplify many aspects of the origins and characteristics of the Bunun culture and language, and Husluman's description of these activities provides vivid accounts of his ancestral tribe's conversations, activities, prayers and so on. These chapters therefore provide interesting and challenging texts for translation. Although Husluman writes in Chinese, his style presents many characteristics of the Bunun language. His reasons and methods for doing this, and the issues this presents for translation novel will be discussed, in the final chapter of the thesis. The second section of the thesis is an annotated English translation of about a third of Husluman's novel, primarily the chapters that involve agriculture and hunting.


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