  • 學位論文


Effects of Size and Operation Performance of Bed and Breakfast (B&B) on Operation Efficiency of Hotels: Evidence from Deregulation of Free and Independent Travelers from Mainland China

指導教授 : 樓禎祺


本研究之主要目的在於探討開放陸客自由行前後民宿業規模、營運績效對一般旅館經營效率之影響。本研究以陸客自由行佔來台陸客總人數比率做為主要研究變數,再根據以往文獻,採用以下之變數做為控制變數,包括:三個影響一般旅館營運績效、規模之變數(房間數、客房住用率、平均客房收入),三個影響影響民宿營運績效、規模之變數(房間數、客房住用率、平均客房收入),兩個產業趨勢變數(搭機來台旅客人數和來台休閒旅客佔入台旅客總數比)。本研究針對開放陸客自由行前後之歷史資料,採用縱橫資料迴歸分析(Panel Data Regression),進行比較性研究,試圖找出開放陸客自由行前後對一般旅館經營績效(以平均客房收入為指標)影響顯著之變數有何不同。 本研究發現:(一)開放陸客自由行對一般旅館及民宿的經營效率有顯著且正向之影響。(二)開放陸客自由行前,民宿客房住用率及搭機來台旅客皆對於一般旅館經營效率無顯著影響,但開放之後,有顯著且正向之影響。(三)開放自由行後,民宿與一般旅館客房住用率、民宿業規模、來台休閒旅客人數,對民宿業經營效率有顯著正向之影響。針對以上之研究結果與發現,本研究同時討論其管理意涵並提出適當之建議。


The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of B&B operation size,operation efficiency of hotels operation efficiency due to deregulation of free and independent traveler(FIT)from Mainland China. In this study, we use the ratio of free and independent traveler(FIT)from Mainland China visitors to total-visitor for the main variables. Based on the previous studies, we select these controlling variables such as:three variables of hotels operation efficiency(rooms of hotels, occupancy rate of hotels, average room rate of hotels), three variables of B&B operation performance and size(rooms of B&B, average room rate of B&B, occupancy ratio of room of B&B), two industry trend variables(passengers visiting Taiwan by airways and pleasure visitors). We use panel data regression models as a research tool, trying to find out difference of significant variables(average room rate of hotels)deregulation of free and independent traveler(FIT) from Mainland China. The empirical results are summarized as: (1) Average room rate of hotel and B&B have significant and positive impacts after deregulation of free and independent traveler(FIT)from Mainland China. (2) Before deregulation of free and independent traveler(FIT)from Mainland China, occupancy ratio of room of B&B and passengers visiting Taiwan by airways have no significant impacst on operation performance of hotels, but after deregulation of free and independent traveler(FIT)from Mainland China, they become significant and positive impacts. (3) Operation performance of hotels and B&B and pleasure visitors have significant impacts for operation performance of B&B after deregulation of free and independent traveler(FIT)from Mainland China. For more of the research results and findings, this study also discusses the managerial implications and makes appropriate recommendations.


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