  • 學位論文


The Study of Elderly Community Care in Taiwan: Asset-Based Approach and Social Capital Perspective

指導教授 : 胡龍騰


近年來,在地老化的思維成為台灣老人照顧政策發展的重要基礎,社區組織在老人社區照顧的角色因而日益重要;然而,我國的老人社區照顧措施目前仍以由上而下的方式管理相關運作,形式上是將老人照顧責任漸由社區組織落實,但實際上卻難以擺脫政府主導的思維,不利於社區自主策畫老人照顧的系列方案,基此,本研究將從倡導社區資源自立的資產導向觀點出發,並輔以強調人際關係互動的社會資本論探究我國老人社區照顧的實然面與應然面。於此,本文透過探究八個社區在老人社區照顧運作的實際情形,去了解資產導向觀點在我國老人社區照顧系絡中的樣態,並釐清社區性質、社區中不同類型互動關係與社區內外部資源取得方式的關係,希望經由質性訪談與實地參與觀察的方式了解我國老人社區照顧運作的實然面。 研究結果發現,本文所研究的八個社區均屬於社區照顧資源自立程度高的資產導向型社區,也都能把社區既有資源當作社區照顧服務運作的基礎之一,且多數社區多選擇自助自立的方式連結其他服務資源,免於仰賴單一外界資源協助的困境;其次,在實證研究後發現,社會資本觀點與資產導向觀點間具有互為表裡的關係,兩者的概念基本上有一定程度上的相通性,代表了社會資本在社區資源自立的過程中扮演著相對重要的角色,例如社區資源連結的強度與廣度,也會與社區本身的連結型社會資本有互相連動的關係,同時社區資源的多元性與否會對社區老人照顧資源的能量多寡有直接的影響。


Nowadays, the idea of aging in place has become the foundation of the elderly care policies in Taiwan. The role which community organizations play in is getting more and more significant in our elderly community care system. The elderly community care measures should be entrusted to communities; however, these measures led by Taiwan’s government are executed in a top-down way, which are against the concept of community autonomy. Therefore, this study is based on not only asset-based approach which focuses on the personal and communal assets, but also on social capital theory which emphasizes on establishing networks, and connecting relationships. In order to realize the way that asset-based approach applies to elderly community care in Taiwan, and to clarify the relationships between community category, the types of relationships in community and the way communities obtain resources, this study chose eight community organizations as its research objects, and the main methodology were depth interview and participant observation. The research results reveal that: (1) these eight community organizations are all asset-based communities. They are capable of using their own skills, resources in communities as the basic assets of elderly community care services. Meanwhile, most of them gain other multiple service resources by establishing linkages between other organizations on their own for the sake of preventing themselves from extremely relying on a single service resource. (2) Social capital is a strong focal point in asset-based approach, it represents a key concept in the autonomy of community resource. In this study, it proves that the strength of linkage capital in communities will affect the linkage of service resources between communities and other organizations. Furthermore, the diversity of community resource has an influence on the energy of elderly care as well.




